Chapter 25

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Birthday outfit on the side<3


*Ali's POV**3 days later*

We have been staying in the cute little town home Niall rented for us. It's one story with two bedrooms and bathrooms. I have been staying in bed a lot because management doesn't want me outside a lot. I'm not supposed to release what happened to me until after the trial. It sucks staying in all day. I can't even walk around without asking Niall for help. Yet, he has been super supportive and patient through it all. But, he still plans to have a birthday party for me. I tried to convince him it was no big deal but he demanded I have a proper celebration. I love him so much. 

*Day of her birthday*

I woke up at about 8:30 to Niall bursting in with two trays piled high with pancakes, eggs, bacon, starbucks, and a cute little present. I open my mouth and gasp in shock."Happy birthday beautiful! I made you breakfast to start a wonderful day!" I smiled graciously and took a tray from him.

"Thank you so much baby!" I said.

"Oh, this is just the start! Have you looked at you phone?" Niall asked. I shook my head no and grabbed it from my bedside table. I had 148,556 notifications from twitter. People all over the world were tweeting happy birthday to me and starting different # trends. Niall climbed on the other side of me with his tray and kissed me on the nose. We started eating the delicious breakfast.

"So, what are we going to do today?" I asked.

"It's a surprise!" Niall exclaimed. I giggled and took a bite of bacon. "You have to open your first present!" he said. I reached over for it and started tearing off the wrapping paper.

"Oh my gosh! You got me a giant container of nutella! Niall I love you so much! This is the best gift ever!" 

He chuckled and said, "Well, everything is better with nutella!" He took my butter knife and started spreading nutella on my pancakes. I dipped a piece of bacon in it and ate it. Delish!!! We ate all the food. "Alright I have one more surprise this morning and the rest will come later. Come in!" He yelled. Out of nowhere, Christy came in! She ran over to me and yelled, "HAPPY BIRTHDAY!"

For her, birthdays were a big deal. I noticed she was holding a big package. "For you!" She said. I opened it and inside was the cutest outfit I had ever seen, and it accomidated my casts.

"Christy I love you so much! Thank you!"

"Well, you have to look gorgeous on your special day!" Christy said, "I'll be in the kitchen stealing some pancakes so Niall can help you get dressed." Before she walked out, I noticed her wink at Niall. I rolled my eyes and picked up the shorts and the shirt.

"Niall, will you do me a favor and grab a strapless bra for this bandeu?" He walked over to our drawers and held up a few.

"Which one?" he asked, "Maybe this one." he said, while holding up a leopard pink bra that was not strapless.

"Niall I swear if youdon't just hand me one I will bitch slap you across the face." I warned. He chuckled and threw a white one at me. I carefully took off my clothes, careful not to hurt my ribs. Niall came over and helped me pull off my pajama pants over my cast. He carefully pulled the shorts up, and started to kiss me. Christy knocked on the door loudly and started yelling for us to hurry up, that I need a beauty treatment. Niall set me in my wheel chair and opened the door for Christy. She then wheeled me into the bathroom and shut the door on Niall.

Christy gave me a quick facial, plucked my eyebrows, straightened my now down to my waist hair, and put makeup on me, including my signature cat eye."Christy thanks, so much for this. It really means a lot to me."

"No prob, babe." she said, "Now, it's time for part of your surprise!" She wheeled me into the living room to reveal, all of One Direction, El, Perrie, and Sophia. I couldn't believe it!

"Oh my gosh I thought you guys were visiting your family!"

"We couldn't miss your special day!" said Liam. I smiled. There were piles of pizza boxes on the coffee table and I saw the three DVD boxes of my favorite movies. There was a stack of presents in the corner.


I had gotten and ipod, a necklace, aphone case, some clothes, and new shoes. We had watched my favorite chickflicks, and now everyone was leaving. I was still wondering why I had to get so dressed up. As soon as they were gone, Niall wheeled me outside in the warm summer air. "Now it's time for the final surprise." He said. He set me in the car and drove for about a half an hour when we stopped and parked at my favorite pier. He set me back in my wheelchair and wheeled me to the end of the pier, where there was a table and food and a candle all lit up. I gasped." Niall did you do this for me?"

"Happy birthday sweetheart." He replied, kissing me on the cheek. We sat down and ate, talking casually. When we were finished, Niall stood up and knelt down n one knee in front of me. "Ali, I have loved you from the moment I saw you. Through the good times and the bad times, through it all, we have stuck together. I love you so much, and will you do the honor of making me the happiest man, alive, and marrying me?" He opened a box and a gorgeous ring shined. I started crying.

I held out my left hand and said, "Yes."

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