Chapter 19

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I forgot to mention in Chapter 9 the name of the older sister. Her name is Alana.


*Ali's POV*

My heart was racing. I couldn't breathe. I felt like I was going to die. "Hunny! I'm home! Where are you? I decided not to go to the bar tonight!" I trembled in fear. My mom pushed me out of the bathroom, down the hall, and into their closet. I couldn't think straight.

"Okay, I'm going to distract him. You quietly walk out and climb through the window." My mom hurriedly whispered to me. "Coming, honey!" She yelled to my dad. She looked back at me with pity, before walking out.

*Ali's mom's POV*

He should be at the bar. The one day I want to bond with my daughter, he has to come home. I'm scared for her life. I know if my plan doesn't work, she could easily die. My husband has refused to let me have contact with her. I'm secretly trying to divorce him, but it's a process. "Hey, hun! Guess what? I got a raise! Now we can go to Jamaica this summer! I smiled nervously. I hated this man. I wanted to go to New York in the winter, but no. We have to do what he wants. I have never gotten my say in anything in our relationship, except for Ali. She was the one thing I would not get rid of. My husband would have started drinking even if we didn't have Ali. Our oldest daughter, Alana, has no contact with us. Let me rephrase that. She has no contact with her father. She loved Ali more than me, and she resents him deeply. She has emailed me a few times. I plan to move to Europe, where she's currently living, when I divorce my husband. I walked out to the front of the house where he was. I tried to look as happy as possible. "Hey, hun. It's about 6:30 now, so do you want to go to dinner? I could just change really fast, you look great just like that!" 

"Uh, yeah sure. I will set up a reservation for that new italian place."

"Okay! I will be right back!" I said, a little too bright. I quickly walked to my room, to the closet, to where I left Ali.

*Ali's POV*

I couldn't think. My mind was cloudy. I sat there, shaking. All I could think of is if I would ever see Niall, Christy, if I would ever see anyone again. Suddenly, the door opened. I flinched. My mother walked in, and sighed. She shut the door and grabbed my arm to pull me up. "I'm so sorry, hunny. I love you so much I never meant for this to happen!" I couldn't speak. I could only let her pull me to the window. "We are on the second floor, so it will be a jump. I don't think this is safe, hunny, but it's better than the alternative." I just nodded. I could barely hear what she was saying. 

My mom walked in front of me, to the window, and tried to open it. All of the sudden I heard it. She was too busy with the window to notice though. I heard footsteps. Louder. Towards the door. Then, the knob slowly turned open, and the devil, himself, turned his head in. "Hey, hun, are you almost ready? Reservation in 15 min-well, well, well. Look who we have here." My mom and I froze. My father smiled and walked into the room.

He turned around and locked the door. He pushed past me and grabbed my mom. She started screaming and he flung her effortlessly over his shoulder. I ran to the window, trying to budge it open. It really was stuck. My father locked my mom in the bathroom. He walked over to me, and smacked me, hard, across the face. I fell to the floor in tears. He chuckled, like the sick man he is. He grabbed my arm and roughly pulled me to my feet, before smacked me again. I hit the wall and collapsed again. My head was pounding. I was lying on my side, moaning in pain. He kicked me in the stomach a few times, before stopping and looking towards the bathroom door. I could barely keep my eyes open. My dad unlocked the bathroom door and started yelling at my mom for taking his phone and calling the police. I slowly stood up, and pulled at the window. Finally, it seemed to have unstuck. I started slowly scratching at the screen. Darkness started to blur the image. I heard a loud smack. I turned around, and saw my mother on the floor, holding her cheek, sobbing. My father kicked her and she sobbed in pain. I looked to the desk next to me, and saw scissors. I grabbed them and weakly tried to break the screen. Fortunately, it broke slightly. I tore at it with my fingers, while listening to my mother's screams, and the repeated slapping and kicking. My dad had completely forgotten about me. 

I climbed over the window, and was about to fall, when I saw how far down it was. It looked about 30-40 feet. I grunted in pain, weighing my options. I heard a car door slam outside, but I didn't have the energy to see who was there.  my mom was lying on the floor, unconscious. She had a trickly of blood running along her cheek. All of the sudden, I heard a lot more car doors slam. My dad looked up, and remembered me. "HEY!" He yelled, storming over to me. I slipped over the edge, not wanting to be in his grasp.  "ALI!" I heard someone, I think Niall, scream before I landed unconscious on the cement. 

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