Chapter 32

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Today is the day. I'm getting married. It's happening. I can't believe it's finally here. I was getting ready in a hotel room with all my bridesmaids. We are just about to leave. We walk to the elevator, and I think about Niall and me running down halls similar to these, singing loudly on or way to get snacks. The day Niall first kissed me. Our first concert. Our first date. When he found out about my past. Our first fight. When he "Kidnapped" me. Our first time. Our first child, up there, waiting for us. I smiled at all these little thought and memories, trying not to cry and ruin my makeup.

*A few hours later*

"I do." I said. I had tears in my eyes and Niall had a few running down his face. I reached over and whiped a few off, before he grabbed me and kissed me. I  smiled in the kiss as I heard clapping and cheering. We ran out to see millions od fans, all here to support us. Even though we were getting mobbed, I smiled and asked a security guard for his blowhorn. I pressed on the button and all the directioners shut up. "I just want to say thank you for supporting us through everything and we love you all!" I yelled. They started cheering louder. I smiled as I climbed into the limo.

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