Chapter 26

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Kind of filler kind of informational definetly horrible but its okay because theres a pic of here ring on the side:)


*Ali's POV* *like 9 months later idk*

It was been about a month since I have been fully healed. The court keeps pushing back the day that my father gets his sentence, for further investigation. I'm going to see him in the holding jail they put him in. Niall and I are engaged. We rented the townhome in LA longer so we could stay here. As soon as the trial is over, we are going to finish the last three months of the tour. Today I'm going to visit my dad in jail.

*At jail*

My father explained everything to me. I know he is afraid he is going to die. I can't tell if he's genuine or not. He said, "I wasn't always a monster. Your mom and I planned our lives together. I was always a planner. I knew I got a bit too controlling when I changed Alana's DNA to be a girl. Your mother doesn't know this, but she was supposed to look like you. I changed her to have blonde hair and blue eyes. When your mother got pregnant with you, I knew it was a punishment for changing my daughter. And, I was right. You look exactly how she was supposed to look. Everytime I saw your face, it reminded me of that huge mistake, and I took my anger out on you. I'm so sorry. Seeing your face again reminded me that my daughter who was supposed to look like you, left me. I'm so sorry. How is your mom?"

"She's-She's dead." I choked out. I had been crying for awhile now. My father started to cry, too.

"I killed the love of my life." He shook his head. "I'm a monster." I left while crying that day, unable to look at him crying anymore. Two weeks later, I returned, and we talked about Alana's kids and my engagement. They had decided on a court date, in a week. We went their. My father's lawyer had no choice but to plead guilty. My father was to die in a month by electric chair. I left without saying goodbye. I couldn't bare it. Niall comforted me, but I wept for days. Two weeks later, we went to Ireland to visit his family for three weeks His family loved the ring, and comforted me through the pain of losing my mom and dad. My sister went back to London, but I plan to visit after the tour. I want it to be over. Niall and I decided not to get married until I was 21. It will be three years, but we can wait. I'm really just wait for 10 years to go by, when I'm happily married with kids. The thought that one day this will all be over is what keeps me going.

*One month later*

Today. The day my father is supposed to die. My sister in London. Me in Texas. I was supposed to do a runthrough, but halfway throught first song, I started to cry. Niall ran on the stage to comfort me, but I just couldn't practice. I could barely hold myself up. Niall carried me backstage and cuddled with me on the couch, even through his runthrough. He sang all my favorite songs. I fell asleep in his arms, and woke up to Lou saying I had to pick out an outfit and get my hair and makeup done. I went onstage with a smile that didn't quite reach my eyes. I barely made it through the whole performance. I collapsed backstage and fell asleep. I woke up to Niall carrying me in the car, carrying me in the hotel room. He set me down and started to take off my shorts to put on pajama bottoms. I was too tired to protest. He layed in bed with me and cuddled and let me cry all my makeup off on his chest. It's been rough.

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