Chapter 23

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Hai I'm sorry for not updating and I got kinda lazy and didn't feel like typing their whole conversation but here ya go! Enjoy! Comment, vote, share!


*Ali's POV*

I didn't know what to do except hug her back. That's all I could do. She kept telling me how sorry she was, but with being gone for four years at college, she forgot the pain I went through. That she was being selfish because she found a man she loves. She begged me to tell her every single thing that happened after she left. I did. She cried even more. I cried too, having to relive everything. But, then I told her about Christy and my music career and Niall.  Then she told me about her two beautiful girls. Then I told her about why I was in the hospital. It had been a few hours, but there were no interuptions. I forgave her for everything. I still loved my sister. Then, after we got caught up, we started talking about what would happen to our mother and father.

"Well, mom told me she always wanted to be cremated and thrown into the ocean." Alana said.

"Okay, do you know anything about dad?" I asked.

"Well, people are supposed to come and talk to us, but it looks like he's getting a death sentence."

"Oh." I didn't really know how to respond. All of the sudden, two people burst into the room. They looked really professional and that kind of scared me but at the same time it stopped our awkward silence so who cares.

"Hi. We are here to talk to you guys about everything you father did to you. My name is detective Walsh and this is Detective Gibbs. Alana?" Some lady said.

"Yes that's me." My sister said.

"You're going with Detective Gibbs in another room. I'm going to stay here with Ali." Alana walked out of the room with Gibbs and Walsh told me to tell her everything. Starting from my childhood to now. I told her everything. Even the cutting, my almost suicicide, and what had just happened to me. "So this is the worst you have ever been hurt?" She asked.

"Yes. I have never been in the hospital before because of me getting hurt like that."

"Alright, hun. I will let you know what happens. I'm so sorry that you had to go through all of this but stay strong. I saw a loving boyfriend and sister out there who really care about you." I smiled through the tears.

"Thank you. So much."

"Oh! One last question. If you had the choice, what would you want to happen to your father? The judge would really take your input into consideration." I thought for a second. This sick twisted man's life was in my hands.

"I just don't want there to be a chance where he could hurt me again."

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