Chapter 7

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*Ali's POV* *3 weeks later*

Tomorrow night was the big date!!! I couldn't wait! We finally started the tour and we were in Italy right now. Niall hadn't told me what we were doing because he wanted to be a surpise. He told me to dress casual though. I had no idea what to wear. Perrie had been visiting and I got to meet her so maybe she can help me. Right now I'm just hangin out in the hotel room. Perrie had given me her phone number so I decided to text her.

To: Perrie

From: Ali

hey r u doing anything? i hav a date with niallers tmr and idk wat to wear...?

To: Ali

From: Perrie

omg fashion emergency! c u in a bit! x.

She came over and she helped find a cute and simple outfit. Then she left. I'm bored. I tried calling Niall but he said he was busy planing out tomorrow. I called Louis but I think he's upset because I'm pretty sure he got into a fight with El. I called Liam and he said he was out right now. Zayn doesn't seem to like me that much. Oh well. I decided to call Harry. Maybe he didn't have plans.

*Harry's POV*

I think I have a crush on Ali. It's weird at fist I didn't reall pay much attention to her because I knew Niall liked her but after hearing her sing and talking and laughing with her backstage, I think I do. I've been sitting in my hotel room this whole day conteplating what to do. Niall liked her. He liked her more than the other girls. They are going on a date tomorrow. I could never hurt Niall like that. But, when I look into her green eyes and berry stained lips, the boys all but have to hold me back from kissing her, running my fingers through her long, shiny hair. I just don't know what to do. All of the sudden, I heard a buzz from my phone. Oh great, she's calling. "Uh, hello?" I said.

"Um, hey Harry. It's Ali."

"Oh hey."

"Do you wanna hang out? I'm just bored in my hotel room and I need to get out."

"Sure. Do you want to go to the mall near here?"

"Sure! You want to walk down to my room in like 15?" She asked.

"Sounds good!"

"Kay! See ya in a few!" I hung up and looked at my phone. I don't know what to do.

*Ali's POV*

Yes! Finally someone not busy. I brushed out my hair and packed my things in a purse. Maybe I could find something to wear on tour. I don't know. I just need to get out.

Finally Harry came to the door. "Hey! You ready?" He said.

"Yeah let's go!"

We walked to the mall thing and went into some stores. After a few hours, my feet were hurting. "Hey Harry!"

"Yeah, love?"

"Will you pleasepleasepleaseplease carry me?" He sighed loudly and picked me up bridal style and started running around the mall. Me, not expecting this, started screaming for him to put me down. He finally set me down on my butt on the floor and I rolled over cracking up. And, of course, he was laughing so hard that he tripped and fell on top of me which justade us laugh even harder. Harry is definitely like a brother to me. Although I guess the paparazzi didn't think so because the next day we were front page of everything. The main headline was, Is Hali Real????


Kind of filler kind of interesting really short really cruddy but I promise the next chapter will be much better!!! I luhh you so mush!!!

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