Chapter 14

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*Ali's POV*

It's been a week. Christy is leaving today. I tried many times to apoligize to her, whether in person, by text, by call. She reads everything I text her but never responds. If I walk into a room where she's in she won't even look at me, she will just walk away. She's not mad at Harry though, which makes sense since it's my fault. I haven't apoligized to Niall and basically what Christy does to me, I do to him. Harry is completely avoiding me, which doesn't help the fact that I'm trying to apoligize to Christy. I'm going to deal with him after she leaves. All of this drama makes me want to cut again.

*A little bit later*

Christy left for the airport about 30 minutes ago. I'm determined. I borrowed a car and decided to drive to the airport myself to talk to her before she leaves. Harry insisted on having her fly on a private airplane so I drave straight across the runway. I see her hugging Harry. I leap out of the car and call out to her, "CHRISTY!" She ran up the stairs onto the plane. Thankfully, the pilot wasn't ready so before they could chut the door, I ran up the stairs.

"Christy!" I said, out of breath. "I wanted to tell you I'm sorry, and you have every right to be a bitch to me. I was just so caught up in the moment of watching Niall, that I just wanted to get back at him. I swear to you I had no intention on kissing Harry. I just wanted Niall to see how it felt so I just grabbed a face. I'm so sorry Christy, please forgive me?" I said, while tears stramed down my face. I don;t know what I would do without my best friend.

She staired at me for a long time before getting up, hugging me, and saying "I believe you, and I forgive you. You wouldn't purposely hurt me like that." She had tears streaming down her face, too.

"Well, you have to go. But,I'm so glad you forgave me and I hope to see you soon." I said. Before walking out, I said, "You promise we are good?"

Christy laughed and said, "Of course! I love you beast!" I laughed and walked down the stairs of the plane. Now time for Harry. I looked around where his car was when I got there, but it was gone.

*Harry's POV*

I'm disgusted in myself. When Ali started kissing me, I had a flashback moment and I thought it was Saniya. I responded as if it was her until I realized where I was, what was happening, and that my girlfriend is right next to me. But, by then she stopped and I was completely sobered up. I didn't even know Niall had cheated on her till he texted me asking what to do. I had to remind myself that Ali isn't Saniya and that I'm with Christy now. I completely avoided her till she showed up at the airport. I knew Christy was going to forgive her so I drove off as fast as I could.I know eventually I willhave to face her, but I just can't right now. 

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