Chapter 15

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*Ali's POV*

It's a saturday. I forget where we are. I don't know what time it is. I don't really talk to anyone that much. It's been two weeks and it seems like Niall has given up. He used to text me almost constantly. He used to follow me everywhere. He used to try to get the boys to get me to talk to him. I know nothing is going to go back to normal, if he has given up. Today we are doing runthroughs, but we were delayed bacause there was a problem with the lighting.

The only person, besides Christy, helping me through all of this is El. She missed us so much she decided to stay on tour for a few more weeks. She has helped me vent, she helped me decide how to deal with all of this,and she helped me not to cut. Today,since because of the stupid lighting they cancelled our runthroughs, El and I decided to go shopping.

*An hour into shopping*

We were walking into a cute little clothing shop when El finally decided to bring it up. "So I-uh-I talked to Niall." She said. I just nodded. I was already starting to get that all too familiar lump in my throat. I get it when I think of him. I always get it when I'm trying not to cry.

She continued, "He told me that he never meant to cheat on you, that he was drunk. That he thought the girl was you, because he had just finished a lot of drinks. He told me that he loves you. That he can't eat or sleep knowing that you are mad at him, knowing that he kissed another girl, and that it's his fault. That he needs you back, because he knows deep down inside, you love him too. Ali, he was crying. I think, I think maybe you should forgive him."

For a second, I thought about forgiving him. But, he told El this. if he wants me to forgive him, it's not going to be me just walking up to him saying hey, I forgive you.

"No. I don't want him to think I need him back. I want him to think I'm okay. That I don't need him. Then maybe he will have the balls to apoligize to me in person." I don't know where that all came from but I liked the idea. I don't take people treating me wrong lightly. El smiled. "Alright. But babe, for him to really want you back, we got to make you look hot!" 

I laughed as El put me in a dressing room full of clothes. I finally found the perfect outfit! We then went to a makeup store and got my makeup done. "Damn! Niall will fall to your feet when he sees you!" El said. We stoopped at Starbucks before heading back to the concert stage area. We walked backstage giggling and talking about random stuff. Right before we walked into the main backstage area, El said something so funny that she opened the door and I was laughing so hard that I bent down to my knees, and then just fell on the floor laughing. Everone was watching us and a few people started laughing with us.

When I got up, I saw Niall getting his hair done by Lou. He was watching me walk back to my dressing room, whilw giggling and laughing with El.

*Niall's POV*

Damn it. I have tried for the past few weeks to get Ali to forgive me, but nothing works. I tried following her, constantly texting and calling her, getting the boys to talk to her,and now trying to get El to convince her. I think she was fed up with my constant texts and calls, so I stoppped doing that as much. But, I have one last crazy idea. I think she wants me to apoligize in person which won't be easy, but I will do it. I will do anything to get my princess back.


So, how did you like it? I thought the story would be ending soon and that's why I started another one, but I don't think so. Th is story will probably be around 30-50 chapters. I don't know. But, we will see! 

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