Chapter 10 Part 2

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*Harry's POV*

I think I figured out why I have a crush on Ali. She reminded me of someone and I couldn't remember who until I saw her do her run through. She reminds me of my ex girlfriend, Saniya. They look a lot alike but Ali isn't a slut at all. Besides that, they are kind of similar. Ali wears long sleeves all the time. 

After runthroughs, I was going to get food and try to find a picture of Saniya to see if that's the reason. We dated for almost a year and I thought I loved her till she cheated on me with some guy. I met her at a concert, with her friend, Kiana, when we were doing meet and greets. Kiana decided to flash her boobs. It made Saniya just seem like a nice funny girl who borrowed Kiana's slutty clothes. Then, awhile after we started dating, I found out she was a slut too. But I still liked her. Not her, but the idea of her being a nice kind person, and I think Ali fulfilled that dream I had of Saniya and I didn't even know it.

But I would never date Ali. For one, she's Niall's girl. And that would be too much of a reminder. And, Christy is such a distraction, she makes me forget all about Ali. I mean, don't get me wrong, Ali is gorgeous, but Christy is like every man's dream. I Didn't even care that she had a boyfriend for a second and I just kissed her. Right now, we are all chatting and eating but Christy left the room suddenly. She's been gone kind of awhile. "I'm going to go check on Christy, okay lads?"

"Okay, whatever." Zayn said before getting back into his conversation with the boys. I walked to the bathroom and heard someone crying. I softly knocked on the door. A soft voice told me to come in. I saw Christy on the floor crying. She showed me her phone and I saw Saniya, kissing some guy. Christy told me the guy the guy was her boyfriend, so I reassured her that Saniya was a slut. Without letting her know about my past with Saniya, of course. I'm starting to really like Christy. Not to mention she's a great kisser. I pulled her on my lap and clicked the new message button. No one deserved to be cheated on. She came up with a better idea though.

After calling Luke and explaining to the boys that we weren't having sex, we walked back into the living room and watched Christy's phone get dozens of panicked texts. About a 30 minutes later, Christy called him on speaker phone.

Christy: Hey babe!

Luke: I can't believe you! You called me while fucking another guy!

Christy: Who were you with earlier today?

Luke: Nevermind that! Who were you fucking I need to beat his ass!

Christy: Bitch please! I know you went to dinner with Saniya and you kissed her. 

Luke: *speechless* what- what are you talking about?

Christy: I have a picture right here. We're done. *hangs up*

We all clapped for her and she stood up and bowed, then sat next to me. "Yay! Now you can kiss Hazza!" Louis blurted out. He then covered his mouth and said, "Oops..." The boys stared at us. Christy just laughed, grabbed my face, and kissed me. Then, the door to the upstairs opened.

Niall and Ali walked in, holding hands. It looked like they had just been crying. "Umm Christy, Were you just kissing Harry?" Ali asked.


"We need to have a talk, missy."

"Relax Al. Luke cheated on me with that slut, Saniya, so we broke up."

"Woah! Back the truck up! When was this!?" Ali said, while walking up to Christy and kneeling in front of her.

"While you were talking with Niall."

"Are you, like, dating now?"

"Uh-" Christy started while looking at me.

"Yep. We are going on a date before she leaves." I said, while grabbing Christy's hand. She just blushed and nodded. SCORE. I GOTTA DATE.

*15 mins after talking with Christy and Ali* *Niall's POV*

After watching Ali talk to Christy for awhile, Ifinally had to remind her why we came down here because she was getting all giggly and happy, and this was a serious topic. I cleared my throat and Ali looked up. Damn she's gorgeous. "Um babe, remember why we came down here?" 

All of the sudden she got all serious and said, "Okay, so, I need to tell you all something. Just know that this happened before you and it isn't your fault, but you need to know the truth." She rolled up her sleeves and they gasped and I saw tears and Harry even grabbed  her arm and gently ran a finger across her cuts, as if to see if they were real. She told them the same story she told me, and again, I had tears in my eyes. So did Christy, even though she had known about them for years. When she finished, everyone was crying. 

"Is- is that why you- you always where longsleeves?" Liam asked.

"Yep" Ali said. Even she was crying, just seeing how many people now care for her and love her. "But, I don't want my old family back. I love you guys, and you guys are my family." We all kind of went in for a group hug. We all started laughing, even though we were all in tears. It was a touching moment for all of us. Suddenly Zayn was next to me. We had kind of been on this ice the last few months because I didn't tell him about Ali. He whispered in my ear, "She's the one for you mate." 

I smiled and hugged him. I knew we were all good again. "But, one thing. Please don't treat me any differently. Just treat me normally." Ali said.

"Well, in that case, DOG PILE!" Louis yelled, and we all trampled Ali. We were all cracking up while getting up. Things are going to get better around here, I can tell.


awww cutee chapter! i was going to say something but i forgot...

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