Chapter 17

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*Ali's POV* *A week later*

It has been one week since Niall and I made up. El left a few days ago. We are in LA now. The boys kind of avoid us, I think because they know we just need time to ourselves. I can tell Niall really missed me. He has barely left my side all week. He stayed in my hotel room, we get food together, etc. This week a rep from management is coming to see how we are doing. Apparently they do this halfway between every tour. Since it's winter I haven't really been tanning or exercising. I just don't like exercising that much. And, it's winter. I can't tan, I'm not a magical tanning unicorn. I had a conversation with Niall about fake tanning which was just basically me ranting about how I don't want to and him laughing at me.

*Next day*

The rep from management is coming today. I'm so nervous that I won't be perfect. Lou has to do my hair and makeup and pick out a special outfit that they think complements me but I think I look like a whore. It shows almost everything. My hair was straightened and up in a ponytail. When I walked out of the dressing room, Niall stood up and his eyes were popping out of his face. "You-you-uh-look-uh-nice." He barely managed to get out. I rolled my eyes at him.

"Niall, this is almost worse than the skirt I wore before we were dating and I went out to lunch with you." I could tell Niall was thinking about that outfit. He chuckled and walked over to me. He brushed his lips across my jaw before whispering, "You still look beautiful darling, and I love you."

"I love you." I said, before kissing him passionately. He then started leaving a trail of kisses on my neck. He started sucking on my neck. After that, he blew on it and it started to hurt. I pushed away from him and over to the mirror. I was about to kill him. "Niall fucking Horan you just gave me a damn hickey right before I go to get evaluated by management!" I yelled. He walked over to me.

"Shh babe someone might hear you. Just put your hair down." Niall said soothingly before taking it out himself. My straightened hair tumbled past my shoulders, perfectly concealing the mark. I sighed. He knelt by my ear and whispered, "I may have to stop at the store if your going to be this feisty tonight, because damn, your hot when your mad." I chuckled while Niall was standing behind me in fron of the mirror. He wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me to him. Then I realized he didn't mean food, he meant condoms. I blushed and tried to pull away from him, but as I was just about to get away, he pulled me closer to him. I turned my head to look at him and he kissed me. We stood there like that before we heard a door open. We jumped a way from each other and I started blushing. A woman stood there with a disaproving look on her face.

"Hello, my name is Alyssa and I'm from management. Ali, please come with me." I walked  out of the room with her. Before I shut the door I looked at Niall and blew him a kiss. Kate shut the door and walked around me, inspecting me. I hated being looked at. Anytime I would be looked at in my childhood, it was because I was being judged for the bad. After a few moments, she asked me to smile and do similar things. Then she started fiddling with my hair. "Have you ever had your hair dyed, Ali?" 

"Oh, um yes. I did ombre at my friend's house." She started moving my hair to the other side of my head, when she saw the mark on my neck. She shook her head disgust. 

"I hope none of your fans see this. This is not appropriate behavior and I don't want any pictures of it anywhere. Now, your hair is nice and healthy, but I can tell it gets frizzy. We are going to do a treatment on your hair so it won't friz up. You are skinny, but management would want skinnier. You are getting a personal trainer to make sure you stay just as thin as your are now. And, you are too pale. Tomorrow I'm scheduling and appointment for a fake tan. This is all on the record. Off the record, I want to say you still have great long hair so please don't cut it. You really don't need a personal trainer, so maybe just for a few weeks. Management demanded you get a fake tan, so I have no control over that. And, one last thing. I think that you are so strong and so brave for what you had to go through as a child. I love your tattoo. And don't let this business change you. Now it's Niall's turn so if you could walk out that door to where everyone else is and give them this paper that says everything that needs to be done as soon as possible. Tomorrow is probably going to be a beauty day!" 

I walked out the door and everyone was waiting. So far, Harry had to do a different style with his hair. That's all. I'm the one who basically failed this. And I was really confused. She was all business then she was all nice and then kicked me out. Like, way to confuse me. I plopped on the couch and folded my arms. I was pissed with all the stuff management was going to make me do. Fuck that shit.

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