Chapter 18

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Dress, nails(kind of), hair, and makeup on the side:) sorry for taking a long time to update i had a bit of writers block.


Yay. It's beauty day. I spent the morning talking to my new trainer about the schedule. It sounds horrible. I have to run a marathon. Right now I'm on my way back to the hotel after getting my hair relaxed and getting a fake tan. I feel sticky and disgusting, but at least Lou was with me the whole way. Now I have to put on the same outfit as yesterday and Alyssa has to evaluate me again to see if I passed this time.

*With Alyssa*

"Yep. You're fab now. The fake tan should last a few weeks, then we will get you a strict tanning schedule. Bye!" Alyssa said cheerfully. It had been a few hours since I got the fake tan so it wasn't that bad anymore. I decided to go get my nails done, something I haven't done in a while. I texted Niall to let him know I was leaving.

To: Niall

hey babe going to get my nails done and maybe shopping! c u later!

To: Ali

din plans tonight at fancy restaurant? dat sound fun?

To: Niall

yah sounds fab! I will get a new dress!

To: Ali

kk c u later loooooove yuuuuuu

I laughed to myself. Niall was so cute. I'm excited for the dinner plans tonight. I decided to go to the mall first so I could get my nails to match whatever dress  I get. I decided to go with a black, white, and grey theme for my dress. I found a perfect one sleeve-thing black dress. It was on sale, too! I walked ove to the nail salon to get my nails painted grey. On my way to the hotel, I decided to stop in a cute little jewelry store I had been eyeing the past few days. I found the cutest necklace and bracelet set. I went to the drugstore next store to get some red lipstick. I was running low. I walked to the back of the makeup section. I found the perfect shade, and I turned around to go to the checkout, when I ran right into someone. "Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry! Are you alrig-Mom?" The lady's head was down, but she looked at me as I was talking, and I recognized my green eyes in hers.

"Alison! It's true! You really are back in LA!" I cringed as she said my full name. I hated it.

"Yes, mom. I'm touring with One Direction now."

"Oh, hunny! That's so great! I'm so proud of you! I knew you could make it! Your father and I bought a house here and sold the old one! It's right by the beach! He got a new job and he's at work right now. What are you doing?" She asked. I felt knots in my stomach just at the thought of him. She acted as if she didn't remember the horrible pain he put me through.

"I'm just grabbing some lipstick for a date I have tonight. I just got my nails done and bought a new dress."

"Do you-do you think, I could help you get ready for your date? Just for fun!" I didn't know what to do. My mom was always quiet and shy and just fled to her room when I was beaten. I resented her for that and for staying with my father but I still loved her. She is my mother, after all. And, if my dad is at work I could be like I was never even there.

"I guess. I just have to text Niall, my boyfriend, and ask him to pick me up there." My mother smiled happily. I decided to drive with her, since Niall was picking me up. It would be easier to get my car from the parking lot then to have to go back to my father's house. I don't want to be anywhere near that house if I don't have to be.We paid for our items then walked to her car. In the car, I texted Niall.

To: Niall

hey babe my moms livs in la now imma go to her house to get ready for our date k?

To: Ali

WHAT?! even aftr ur past ur going ova there!? please dont i will worry

To: Niall

Relax my father is at work i will text you adress in a bit.

He didn't respond. He was probably upset with me for going to their house but I put thought into it and if my dad is at work, then I know I'm safe.

*An hour later*

My mom had done my natural makeup for me. She then slightly curled my hair and had pinned part of it back. "Okay, pout." She said. She was putting the red lipstick I had gotten on my lips. She was focused on it, when we heard the front door open. I flinched in  fear. My mom looked up, with a look of fear in her eyes. "Oh, fuck." She said under her breath. My father was home.

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