Chapter 21

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hahahaha cliffhanger!!!!! Okay I'm writing now....


*Ali's POV*

I blinked my eyes slowly open. There was a really annoying beeping in the backround. I heard someone say, "Oh, Than God! Ali?' I moaned in pain. Everything ached. I opened my eyes to Niall's gorgeous face. I felt so bad. He looked so worried. "A-Ali? Do you remember me?" I looked at him with a confused face. How could he really think I would forget him. Tears started streaming down his face. "No! No, you don't!" He said. 

I finally found my voice. "How could I forget you Niall! I love you! Sorry for being confused as to why you could even ask me such a question!" I yelled at him. He had been pacing back and forth, probably trying to decide what to do with me. He stopped and turned around.

"You- you remember." He whispered. He ran over to me and hugged me and kissed me while crying. I did the same. "Are you feeling okay? Do you remember anything that happened?"

"Niall, breathe. I-uh- I rember everything." Literally everything. From my heart racing to my sweaty palms to how many times I was hit. "How long have I been out,and what's wrong with me, finally noticing the cast on my left leg and something around my waist. 

"Well, when you fell out the window, you landed on your leg, which broke it. Luckily nothing major during your fall, except for bruising and cut on your arm." I looked at my left arm. Sure enough, there was a cut running from the inside of my elbow about six inches down. I touched it gently." The doctors think you scratched it on the side of the wall as you fell. One other thing. Did you get kicked in the ribs?" I nodded. His eyes filled with tears. "You broke two ribs." I knew my dad had kicked me hard. "One of them was turned out and trying to poke out of your stomach, but the did surgery and put something in you to hold it in place until it heals by itself." Niall was trying so hard to be strong for me. But I know this must have killed him.  

"How long have I been out? What about the tour?What happened to my mom? What happened to my dad?" I asked. He told me I was out two nights, and that he drove here after he got out of jail, and spent the night in the hospital. Then he filled me in with his experience with jail and that my dad was in a holding cell until they could talk to me about what happened. "Okay, what about my mom?" He looked at me.

"She-uh- she got punched in the head by your father and kicked in the stomach more times then you. She broke almost all her ribs and ruptured a few blood vessels. They-they-they tried to save her. She was dying on the way to the hospital, I heard. I'm so sorry" I felt numb. "Are you okay?" He asked.

"I-I don't know. I feel like I should cry, because she was my mom. But, she didn't exactly help me when I was in pain. I always resented her for that." Niall just stared at me. "Let's talk about that later. What about the tour? And how long do I have to be in these stupid casts?"

"Well the doctor said everything should heal in about six to ten months. Until then, they are suspending the last three months of the tour until you get better."

"Why don't you just get another Opening Act?" I asked.

"Ali, the people love you. Simon loves you, management loves you, I love you. We can't do this without you." Awwww so cute so cute! But they still shouldn't have to wait for me.

"Niall, it's seriously fine if you guys get someone else, okay? "

"Nope," Niall said, popping the p, "You are doing the rest of the tour with us. I sighed and shook my head. Damn, these people were stubborn.

"Alright, alright. Whatever." I muttered.

"Umm one other thing. You know how your dad is supposed to have a hearing about his sentence after the people talk to you?" I nodded, wondering why he seemed so anxious about what he was about to tell me. He seemed even more anxious now then when telling me about my mother's death. "You sister is coming."

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