Chapter 6

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to clarify-they kissed. they are not together yet. btw i heard rumours about harry having a girlfriend....can anyone clarify because otherwise i refuse to believe it.


*Ali's POV*

I woke up at 10am. Damn. It's late. I was still half asleep when I reached up and smacked Niall in the face. "Nialllllll!!! Wake up!!!!!" He groaned.


"Because I want to go back to my room and you're on top of me." I was laying on my back and he was laying on his stomach with his arm and shoulder across my stomach. I already died. 

"Oh, sorry." He got up and rubbed his eyes. His hair was sticking straight up.

"Do you want to go sight-seeing with me today?" I asked.

"Uh, why?"

"Because I got here almost two weeks ago and I have no idea of where I am or any surroundings or anything!" I said it all dramatic so he would get the point and come.

"Okay, fine."

"Yay! I will meet you back in my room in like an hour and we can go, 'kay?"

"Alright, alright." 

*30 mins later*

I was singing songs on Pandora and blowdrying my hair since i had just gotten out of the shower. I already had my outfit picked out. It was a warmer day than usual in London. I was wearing a white flowy tee tucked into high-waisted shorts, with a leather jacket and a maroon scarf. I also had on cute polka dot tights. I had already packed everything in my favorite purse. I decided to leave my hair naturally dark and curly. I didn't have enough time to do a quality straighten and my last haircut had cut off the rest of my highlights. Besides, my hair was being cooperative today.

I put on my outfit when I was about to do a cat eye make up when there was a knock at my door. It had only been 40 minutes. I walked to the door without bothering to pause the blaring Pandora. I opened the door and there was Niall. He was early. "Hey, I need to do my makeup really fast so do you mind chillin' here for a sec?"

"You don't need makeup." Awww. He's soo sweet!

"I just want some eyeliner on."

"'kay." He sat on my bed while I walked into the bathroom. I was about to start when Dark Horse by Katy Perry came on. 

"This song's ma jam!" I yelled. Niall did that cute lil laugh of his and started belting it out with me. Out of nowhere, he paused it right before the rap. "The fuck bruh! I own this rap!" 

"I wanted to hear you sing but anyway own this rap."

"Bitch please! I challenge you!"

"Ba-ring it!" Niall yelled. Oh it's on. He clicked play and we started rapping as loud as we could while I put my eyeliner on. That's right bitch. Multi-tasking. I finished putting on my eyeliner. The rap was 3 quarters of the way through and Niall started tripping up a bit when I walked in the room. Thats right. I beat the rap.

*Niall's POV*

I own this rap. But when she walked in the room I tripped up. She just looked so gorgeous. I wanted to kiss her and run my fingers through her long, curly, gorgeous hair. She stood inches away from my face while rapping the last part. She knew she won. I sat on the edge of the bed with my eyes staring into hers with my mouth partly open. She was on the second to last line when I couldn't take it anymore. I reached out and pulled her face onto mine. Our lips immediately connected.

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