Chapter 4 part 2

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*Ali's POV* (on way to van)

omg. no. i did not just get that text. i cant. i cant. i have lost the ability to can. he wants to talk. alone. i just. i-no. i cant. oh were getting in the van.

*Niall's POV*

I did not just send that. Omigoshhh. What if she doesn't like me like that? She looks kinda pale.

"Ali, are you okay? You look a bit pale, love."

"Oh, I'm fine. Just hungry I guess." Ali said.

"Okay so I will drive and-" Liam started.

"SHOTGUN!!" Louis yelled.

"Nevermind then." Ali and I were behind them since we were talking. Louis and Liam went to go take their places up front while Harry and Zayn went to sit in the middle.

"Ali, would you mind sitting in the back with Niall?" Harry asked.

"Sure,no problem." Ali said. When she moved to go to the back, Harry gave me the wiggly eyebrows. I  blushed and went to to go sit in the back.

Ali's POV*

I would LOVE to sit in the back. Did Harry find out somehow? hmm. Oh shit. He's sitting down. What do I say? How'slife? No. Fave color? No.

"Oh, uh, h-how's life?" I blurted out. Damn it.

"Oh, pretty good, except for I really want Nando's." Perfect. I can do this. It's justa conversation. WITH NIALL HORAN.

"I have never been." His eyes practically bugged out of his head.

"Are you crazy?! They have the best food their ever!! Okay you have to try everything!" Niall said. I laughed. Wow. This boy loves his Nando's.

*At Nando's* Still Ali

I'm stuffed. I have never eaten soo much food in my life. I didn't know what I would like so I ended up trying all of Niall's food, then ordering. He's so sweet! And, I may or may not have prior knowledge that states Niall Horan does not share his food. Maybe he does have a crush on me. lol. nah.

*Zaayn's POV*

Ok. It's official. Niall Horan is in love with this girl. He let her try ALL of his food. He doesn't even let me do that. But hopefully I can get to know Ali tonight. I really hope she's the one for him. He seems so in love....

*Ali's POV*

Liam took us back to the hotel. I walked back to my room to gather my stuff for the sleepover. I decided to change into my pjs. I put old, gigantic pe sweatpants. I love them so much. Their just so comfortable. I put on a comfortable longsleeve shirt. They aren't close enough yet to know my secret.


On the side is what I imagine Ali to look like but with greener eyes. I think that's Emma Roberts. So yeah. Sorry it's kind of a filler chapter. I luhh you soo mushh

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