Chapter 29

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It has been four months since the little "accident" It happened right after my period, so I wasn't expection one for awhile. When I first started, a doctor told me that I had a DNA disorder, and that I would have periods of normal periods and periods of complete randomness. I wasn't surprised when I missed my period, I hadn't had a period of randomness in a while. But, usually I miss one and get two the next month. That's the usual unusual pattern. When I missed the next one, I was a bit confused. When I missed it again, I knew something was wrong. I had noticed my tight clothes not fitting right. I went to my doctor and he took an ultrasound. I was three-ish months pregnant. I cried. I didn't know if it was of joy or dissappoinment in myself or what. But, I cried.

I have to tell Niall. Now, on my way home from the doctor's, I have been contemplating how I should tell him. I got home and walked in to the smell of sushi, if you could smell it. The doctor told me not to eat sushi. I set my hands on my belly, thinking about how in there was life being created. I beautiful mix of me and Niall. That was the moment when I decided to be happy about this pregnancy. I walked into the kitchen. "Hello, love. How was the check-up?" Niall asked, while coming over to kiss me on the cheek. I told him it was just a checkup. I felt nausious about telling him.Or, maybe it wasn't the nervousness of how he would react.

"Niall-I-I- I'm" I stopped to put my hand over my mouth. I ran to the bathroom and barely made it before throwing up. Niall ran to me and held my hair back. When I was finished, Niall said, "Do you think you caught a bug at the doctor's office?"

I rinsed out my mouth before responding. "Niall, don't you see? Sickness, larger stomach. I'm pregnant." His jaw dropped. I waited for a reaction, but he gave me a blank face. "What?" I asked, "Are you happy? Are you upset? Talk to me."

"Well, are you? You're only almost twenty, and we aren't married. I'm excited, though. I mean, a little baby running around with our DNA all mixed together."

"Of course I'm happy. And, no matter what, I wouldn't get an abortion." I set my hands on my stomach and blinked back happy tears. Niall was okay with this. I was okay with this. It was all okay. Niall hugged me from behind and put his hands on my belly on top of mine. I could tell he was blinking back tears, too. "There's our baby." He said.

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