Chapter 11

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*Ali's POV*

TODAY IS THE DAY TODAY IS THE DAY TODAY IS THE DAY! Management kept pushing the date till we could release that we are dating, and now, 5 months after the whole Hali thing, we can finally release it! We decided to just go out in public casually like a couple does and do all that couple stuff. I even picked out the perfect outfit! Long-sleeved, of course. I haven't released my actual story to the public yet, so I have to wear long sleeves. After telling them my secret, I think we all got a bit closer. Christy and Harry are dating now. They are so cute! Christy is in California right now. We are all in New York. I think the boys all miss their girlfriends, but I have a surprise for them during our next concert.

I decided I want to get a tattoo over my cuts that says in cursive, Stay Strong. I want to get it while I'm with Niall today. He doesn't know, yet. We want a lot of paps to be around so they get the point that we are dating. Niall tweeted earlier, going out with my babe today!

We walked outside together and their were already paps outside. He immediately grabbed my hand and I blushed. We made our way to a car, where Paul was driving. He knew of a tattoo shop so he started driving to it immediately. "Wait, Paul, where are you going? We don't even know what we are doing yet." Paul looked back at me.

"Umm, love? I have a surprise. It's not food, though." Niall pouted when I said it wasn't food and I laughed and kissed him. His face immediately softened and he grabbed my face in is hands.

"Woah, woah, woah. Too much PDA! Suck each others faces later!" Paul jokingly yelled at us. We stopped and blushed. Paul pulled up to the tattoo shop and Niall looked at me confusingly.

"I'm getting a tattoo. Over my cuts. It's going to say. Stay Strong, so in case I ever feel that low again and I pull up my arm, I will see that and remember when I got it, and you were with me." Niall had tears in his eyes. 

"Then, I'm going to get one too. I'm going to get a tattoo on my butt that says, Made in Irealand, with the Irish flag, and your initials on my right wrist." I looked at him. I couldn't believe it.

"I'm getting your initials on my right wrist too, then." He smiled at me. We walked in and got all set up.

"Your tattoo over your cuts might hurt more than a normal tattoo, because of your scars. It may cause some scars to open up, but I promise, they will go back to normal." The tattoo artist, Kiana, said. He looked like a punk, but Paul said Zayn had gotten a tattoo here, and it turned out great. I was first. He disinfected my arm and got out the needle thing for the tattoo. It immediately stung like hell. Almost as much as my dad hitting me. I tried not to flinch, and Niall looked like he was in pain watching me. I held his hand and kept squeezing it.

"Shhh. Just breathe, love." Niall said soothingly. It was finally over, including his initials, and the punk put soothing stuff on my arm, so it would stop stinging. He then wrapped it in this gauze kind of stuff to secure it. I felt a bit better after that, but it still hurt to touch.

Niall layed down on a tattooing table and pulled down his pants a little. I kneeled in front of him and held his hands. The punk tattoo guy started the tattoo and Niall looked like he was in so much pain. It was horrible to watch him go through that. Halfway through, the paps started coming so we had to lock the doors. They took a bunch of pictures of me trying to soothe Niall and me holding his hands. His probably hurt more, because he had to fill in the irsish flag. No matter what I did, Niall still kept flinching and squeezing my hands. I didn't know what to do to  distract him, so I did the only thing I could think of, I kissed him. Smack on the lips, Right in front of the paps' flashing cameras. He grabbed my face in his hands and slid his tongue in my mouth. We were really giving the paps a good show, until Kiana, the tattoo artist, had to interrupt by saying, "It's all done!"

Niall tried to look back at it and he failed. The guy put a gauze thing around it, then set him up for my initials. We called Paul to pick us up, we had finished our tattoos and they were all wrapped up in gauze.  He looked down to me and whispered in my ear, "I love you." I couldn't believe it. He actually said it. And I knew he meant it.

"I love you, too."

I meant it, too.


omg soo cute! love this Chapter.

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