Chapter 13

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Ali's dress on the side


*Ali's POV*

It's been about a week since all the girls have been here. It's been two days since I released my real story. Everyone, including the media and fans, were shocked. The media has been trying to make it seem like I was a bad person but the fans have been really supportive. Even directioners have supported me through the hate and everything.

Tonight we decided to go clubbing to help raise the mood. The girls and I went shopping and I found the cutest purple dress for tonight! We have all gotten a lot closer! And, it turns out, Sophie is pregnant! It's going to be a girl! She is already two months in. Her and Liam are the only ones not going clubbing because they think the atmosphere might be bad for the baby and Liam insisted on staying with her.

*at the club*

We have been at the club for about two hours now. Everyone is pretty much wasted except for Christy and I. We are standing at the bar, sipping on our drinks, when Niall and Harry walk up to us, clearly drunk. Harry reached Christy first, and started whispering in her ear. She giggled and nodded, and he took her hand and led her to the dance floor.

By that time, Niall had reached me. He put both his hands on my waist and pulled me closer to him."Hey Ali. You look sexy in that dress. Want to dance?" Niall said, before nipping at my neck.

"Su-sure." Niall had a strange affect on me like that. He led me to the dance flooor when a fast song came on. I started shaking my hips to the beat. Niall clearly eye-raped me and whispered, "Damn."

I guess he hasn't seen me dance before. He grabbed me by the waist and turned me around, so my back was to him. I giggled and started shaking my hips again. He started grinding on me.after that song ended, I pulled away from him and turned around to face him. "That was fun." He said. I giggled. "I'm going to go to the bar to get a drink. Wanna come?" He asked me.

"No thanks. I don't want to get wasted." I giggled.

"Fine then. Give me a kiss for the road then." I stood on my tippy toes and kissed him, but he grabbed my  waist and licked my lips, asking for permission. I immediately opened my mouth and we were just standing there for awhile, before I realized where I was and I backed up. Christy yelled, "RAWR"  and I blushed. All of our friends laughed and started clapping. I wonder how long they were staring at us kissing.

Niall walked over to the bar with Harry so Christy and I decided to dance by ourselves. After about 45 minutes, Christy and I got tired so we were walking over to the bar to get water, when I saw it. Niall was there, making ou with another girl with a similar dress on and the same hair style as me. I gasped and Niall moved away, his eyes bloodshot, probably from the alcohol. He immediately sobered up when he saw me standing there. "Ali! I-uh-I" 

I didn't bother listening to his excuses. He cheated on me. I grabbed the first guy face I saw, not really caring who it was, and started making out with him, right in front of Niall. When I stopped, I realized it was Harry. Christy pushed me to the floor yelling,"WHAT THE FUCK WHY ARE YOU MAKING OUT WITH MY BOYFRIEND YOU BITCH!" 

I, realizing wha I did, got up and ran away. I opened the door to a random taxi and told the guy to take me to the hotel. When I got there, I ran to my room and collapsed on my bed. I felt so confused. Did I do the right thing, or the wrong thing? 


Sophie is prego in real lifee she said so on twitter but idk if its a girl or not but it is in my story

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