Chapter 27

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btdubs from now on I'm not going to put povs just assume its ali unless it says otherwise:) Ali's dress and makeup on the side. Imagine that girl's hair like that but longer for Ali.


*One year later*

I can't even believe it's been about a year since my dad died. At first it was a year of hell with legal stuff and all that. But now, the tour is over, the boys are starting to work on a new album. Niall and I bought a flat in London near my sister. Life is good. The boys are currently visiting to write some songs. Christy is visiting, too. We have been sitting in our hous for hours now, trying to come up with things. I have to write an album too, which sucks. We were sitting around in silence, all of us in our own little minds when Harry said, "We should go clubbing." The boys all nod their heads. Christy and I looked at each other. The last time we all went clubbing together was a few years ago and I ended up getting "kidnapped" weeks later.

"I don't think so. Remember what happened last time?" I said. Niall leaned into me and wrapped his arms around m waist. The, he started twisting my ring as he whispered, "It's different this time. We're engaged. I love you." I blushed and sighed.

"Oh, alright. But, Christy and I are going shopping for makeup and dresses so we won't be home till later." Christy nodded in agreement.

*While shopping*

"Holy crap I can't find anything!" Christy yelled in frustration. We had gone to 4 stores already and nothing looked that good. We walkd out and looked around. It was almost 6 and we had to be at the house at 6:30 to do hair and makeup. I looked around until I spotted a cute little boutique across the street. We walked inside and immediately found 3 dresses we liked each. The first one didn't fit right. The second one looked like a hoe-ass dress. The third was perfect. It hugged me wear it needed to hug, it didn't have awkward sleeves, and it had a cute little belt so I could control how curvy I should look by adjusting the belt. When I called to Christy, she was wearing a dress that had bunchy sleeves and way too many straps. She loved my dress so much, she decided to get the exact same one in purple. We got home right at 6:30.  I curled my hair into big bunchy waves that went to my lower back. Then I did my makeup.


We walked down the stairs, and 5 jaws dropped. "How do we look?" Christy asked.





We heard a chorus of answers, all positive. We took a taxi to the club, just in case people decided to leave seperately. Zayn and Louis would probably stay at the bar, since their girlfriends weren't here. Liam broke up with his girlfriend, so he was single and ready to mingle.

*2 hours later*

Niall and I were wayyyyy past drunk. I could barely walk. But, Niall and I grinded like there was no tomorrow. He started sucking on my neck. "Baby, I'm so hard for you." Niall whispered seductively in my ear. I could feel his bulge.

"Let's get out of here." I whispered back. With his hand on my ass, we walked out and got in a taxi. We were face battling the whole way home. When we got inside, Niall lifted me up and carried me into our bedroom. He through me on the bed and started kissing my neck, shoving his hands up my dress, and, well, let's just say I'm not a virgin anymore.

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