Chapter 31

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I couldn't breathe. I had felt a new type of love, a type of protection, and just like that, it was gone. I wanted to stay in bed for the rest of my life. I had to stay in the hospital for a few weeks to recover from the c-section. Niall tried to convince me that it was for the best, that we weren't married and it would be hard to plan a wedding with a baby. When he said that, I couldn't even look at him. I knew I used to feel like that when I was first pregnant, but now I wanted a child. She was gone. I spent all my time planing my wedding, something I had completely neglected. I was turning 21 in 6 months so it wouldn't be for at least a year. I got so mad at Niall when he said that, I made him leave. It's been three days. I want him now. I sent him all of the places I looked up. I heard a knock at my door,so I yelled, "Come in." Niall walked in, holding ice cream and flowers and a wrapped present. I smiled at him and gesured for him to come in. He sat down next to me and we ate ice cream while discussing all the wedding places I looked up. I opened the present and inside was a cute bear beanie. When I looked up at Niall, he had on the same one.

"Now we can match!" He said. I giggled and put mine on. We decided my sister's twins were to be the flower girls. My bridesmaids were Christy, Alana, Perrie, and El, His groomsmen were Harry, Greg, Liam, and Zayn. We decided, since I was so close to Louis, he would walk me to Niall. We skyped him, and he started crying he was so excited. We called everyone else and they agreed. We decided to have a small wedding. Just our bridesmaids, groomsmen, and his family. We were really excited.

*6 months later*

I went in to a shop with my bridesmaids to get there dresses and do a first fitting for my wedding dress description. I found the one. It was perfect. I know it's uncommon to find the one on your first fitting, but I did. The wedding is in six months. It seems crazy that I should have a six month year old right now. I leave a picture of the ultrasound out, because I don't want to forget here. Her siblings will alwas know her.

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