Chapter 9

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*Ali's POV*

Christy is finally coming. I have known the guys and been on tour with them for about three months now. I'm scared. I'm scared that Niall will break up with me after I tell him my secret. I'm scared the boys won't treat me the same. I'm scared because of my secret we will all just grow apart. I'm scared.

I drove to the airport to pick Christy up. We were in Australia right now and we stayed on the tour bus. The boys insisted I stayed on the tour bus with them. After talking with Christy and doing runthroughs, Christy and I decided to just order a pizza and eat it on the top level of the tour bus. That's when she finally brought it up. "Have you told anyone about your secret yet?" Christy asked, before taking a huge bite of her pizza.

"No," I said, putting my pizza down. Just the thought of having to tell them made me lose my appetite.

"Seriously, girl, I love you, but you need to tell them and I will make sure of it before I leave. And don't worry, I will be with you the whole time." This is why she's my best friend. I sighed. "Okay. I'm just scared that Niall will break up with me." All of the sudden we heard a loud thump. "WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT?!" I yelled.

*Niall's POV*

Ali had finished her runthrough awhile before us and she told me her and Christy were going to put on pjs, order pizza, and eat in the tour bus. I had just finished and I was starving. I walked back to the tour bus to ask Ali if she had any leftovers. I walked in and called her name. All of the sudden I heard voices above me. They must have been on the other level. I walked up the stairs and was about to open the door when I heard a certain sentence in particular that made me stop and listen.

"Have you told anyone about your secret yet?" Christy asked.

"No," Ali said. 

"Seriously, girl, I love you, but you need to tell them and I will make sure of it before I leave. And don't worry, I will be with you the whole time." Christy said.

"Okay. I'm just scared that Niall will break up with me." WHAT!? IS ALI CRAZY!! I WOULD NEVER BREAK UP WITH HER! AND WHAT'S HER SECRET?! I got so mad for a second I forgot where I was and I hit the wall. Then I heard, "WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT?!" 

Oh. shit. I slowly opened the door. "Hey guuuys."

"Umm Niall? Did you just hit the wall?" Christy asked. No point in lying. I need to know her secret anyways. I told them about how we finished and i was looking for them so I could  get food and how I eavesdropped.

*Ali's POV*

"It just sounded like an important conversation," Niall said, "I didn't want to interrupt. And, Ali, I would never break up with you but I would like to know what you're hiding from me." he said, with pleading eyes. It was now or never.

 "Do you want me to stay or go?" Christy said quietly, completely reading my mind. It didn't matter how quietly she said it though because you could have heard a pin drop.

"No. I need to do this myself." Christy grabbed a slice of pizza and walked to the bottom level of the bus. 

"Niall, sit down. I have a lot to tell you but I need you to not ask questions or interupt me till you fully take in what I'm about to tell you, okay?" He slowly sat down and nodded. I didn't want  to start off with the story, so, instead I pulled up the right sleeve on my lond sleeved pj shirt. It revealed all of my scars. Niall gasped and grabbed my arm, gently though. His teardrops dripped on my scars and I started to tear up too. But he needed to hear this. Everything. 

"I just want you to know, that all of this happened long before you. So, this is my real story. My parents had completely planned out their lives. The main part of it, was only one girl. They even did a gene transplant in my mom's stomach to make sure my sister was a girl. Of course, she was everything they wanted. Smart, athletic, beautiful, popular. She had straight blond hair, blue eyes and a winning smile. My dad, was a control freak. That was the main reason their lives were planned out. My mom was kind and shy, and she never punished anyone. She was fine being my dad's servant, basically. Well, 8 years after my sister was born, my mother got pregnant. My father tried to force her into getting an abortion but that was one thing my mom wouldn't have. Then she had me. Curly, brown hair, green eyes. That was when my father started drinking, claiming I messed up their perfect little lives. That I was a mistake. When I was 5 years old, my dad slapped me across the face for the first time. My mother did nothing except cry and put foundation on my face to hide the mark. When I was 8, my dad hit me so hard, so many times, that I passed out. It wasn't the first time this had happened but this time I almost cracked my skull open. I woke up next to my crying 16 year old sister. She promised me that after she went to college, she would adopt me and we would move away from  them and never have any contact with them. This was the promise that kept me okay. When I was 10 years old, my sister abandoned me. She went to college and rarely came home, even for holidays. My dad was depressed that the perfect child stoped coming home. So he would drink, then take it out on me. When I was 13, I started cutting. I couldn't handle being there without my sister. Finally, the day she came home, she announced she was getting married and moving across the coutry with her soon to be husband and his family. I pulled my sister to another room and whispered, What about your promise? She was 21, and I was 14. she was all I had. She looked at me weirdly ans whispered, I have no idea what you are talking about. I spent the rest of the night crying, and cutting. I just couldn't believe at the time that she was leaving me. I knew right then and there she would never be coming back. I went to school the next day, and that was the day I met Christy. She was my only friend, at the time, and then she introduced me to her friends. I never told any of them. Christy found out on accident. She cried with me and made me vow to tell her everything that had happened to me. And I did. The night before we were playing truth or dare, I was so fed up with life I planned to kill myself the next day. But Christy ended up spending the night  because we were making a video for the X-factor. Then, I got a call that said I got in, so I told christy, packed up my stuff, and together, we drove to go on the X-factor. I'm sure my parents know where I amm by now, but I have had no contact with them since. So, that's my story." Niall pulled me onto his lap and together we cried what felt like it could have been days. I'm sure Christy made sure everyone was downstairs.

"I just- I just hate to imagine you in pain, hurting yourself." Niall said through tears.

"Hey, I'm okay now, though. And that's what matters." We sat there together for awhile, in a comfortable silence.

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