Chapter 16

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*Ali's POV* *Sunday, day after last chapter*

I watched the guys perform on the screen in my dressing room. Niall almost had to leave the stage during Half a Heart. It broke my heart. But, today is a new day. Louis and El invited me to walk to Starbucks with them. We got in, got our drinks and sat down. They both looked kind of edgy, and Louis kept glancing at his phone. "Are you guys okay?" I asked. It was kind of freaking me out how edgy they were. We made little conversation. Maybe they saw fans I didn't see? I wasn't sure. Suddenly, Louis' phone buzzed. He looked at it, then said, "We should go."

We walked outside with our coffees, I hadn't finished my frappachino. "Hey, what's that?" El said, "Let's get a better look!" I didn't know what she was talking about, but I followed them around the corner into a neighborhood. "Ali look at that!" Louis said. They grabbed my arms and pointed up. I was so busy looking I didn't notice a white van pull up. All of the sudden people came out of the van and a mask was pulled over my face as I was picked up and forced into the van. This is how I'm going to die I thought.

*Niall's POV*

She wouldn't listen to me, so I went to the extreme.

*Ali's POV*

I was sat in a chair and had a seatbelt put on me. I could tell there was quite a few people in the van. I'm pretty sure I'm going to die. When I get scared, I mumble and talk a lot. Which is exactly what I decided to do. "Hey, um I don't know who's there. It seems like quite a few people, but please don't, like rape me or kill me. And what did you do with El and Louis? Are they here? Or did they help kidnap me? Seriously can someone tell me what's going on!" There was silence."Okay seriously, someone talk you are freaking me out." No one talked. So I did the only thing I could think of doing. I screamed as loud as I could, before I felt a large hand over my mouth.

"Thank you! Damn she screams loud!" a familiar British accent said.

"Zayn? Why are you here? Are you going to rape me or something?" I asked. I heard what sounded like Zayn sigh.

"Are we almost there?" He asked someone. I waited for an answer, but it never came. I guess the driver just nodded or something. About 10 minutes later, the car stopped. I felt someone reach behind me and take off the blindfold. When they finally took it off, I couldn't believe what I saw. It was all of One Direction and El.

"Surprise." El said weakly while doing jazz hands. I was so confused I speechless. All of the sudden the driver got out of his seat. It was Niall.

"Can we talk in private now? By the way, thanks you guys for helping me." Niall said. Okay, like seriously, what the fuck. Everybody walked out and it started click. Niall made El and Louis go out for coffee with me. They were so on edge because they didn't know if it was going to work. They pulled me into the neighborhood because the coffee shop was too crowded. Everything makes sense now. Except for one thing. Why.

"Okay, seriously, what the actual fuck, Niall. Why am I in a van? Why the fuck did you kidnap me?! Where the hell am I?!" By that time, I was yelling. He just looked at me. In silence. It was starting to freak me out. "Niall, seriously why the fuck are you staring at me like  it's creeping me out!"

"It's-uh-it's just that-uh-this is the longest you have talked to me for the past like two weeks." I just looked at him. He didn't see what I was saying. He saw me talking to him. He didn't even care I was pratically yelling at him. He just wanted me.

"Why? Why do all of this?" I said softly. He gave me a weird look.

"Well, you made it kind of hard to talk to you in person and I was going to do anything I could to get my princess back. I love you and I would do anything for you. I never meant to cheat on you, I was drunk and if not drinking ever again means I get you, I would do it in a heartbeat. Name anything you want and it will happen as long as I get you back." Niall said. Tears filled my eyes. I realized he truly cared about me and he just wanted me. He didn't mean to cheat on me. I stared at him for awhile while both of our eyes filled with tears. "Please," Niall whispered, "If you still don't believe me, look at your right wrist." I knew he was talking about my tattoo of his initials. "Because I look at mine every chance I get." If I wasn't already broken, he just broke me. I leaped into his lap and hugged him as hard as I could. I really missed him. He was the best cuddler.

"I forgive you Niall I can't live without you I love you so much I'm sorry I kissed Harry at the club I was upset and I just lo-" Niall shut me up with a passionate kiss. After a few minutes we broke away."Wow I forgot how much I missed that." I said breathlessly.

"Same, love. I love you so much."

"I love you so much, too." He chuckled.

It turns out we were in front of a restaurant so we walked inside to a table our friends were already at. They cheered when they saw us kiss and they realized we were back together. I could barely let go of his hand the whole lunch. I just missed him so much. I didn't know how much I truly couldn't live without him. 

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