Chapter 28

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I'm going to be sort of rushing the ending it will probably go to about chapter 35ish maybe and I will start a new book. Sorry for rushing though but I want to start the next one:) Enjoy


I woke up with a huge hangover and what felt like awkward cramps or something. Then, I realized I was naked, and Niall, who was next to me, was also naked. The, it all came flashing back. And I realized, I wasn't feeling cramps, just the ache of your first time. I couldn't even believe I had dranken so much to actually have sex. At least it was with Niall,and we were engaged. But, it still didn't feel right. I wanted my first time to be something special, not a 'oh I'm drunk let's have sex' kind of thing. Niall russled in the sheets next to me. He slowly opened his eyes, then had a look of horror on his face. "I'm so sorry Ali, honestly. I was drunk and not thinking clearly and please don't be mad." I leaned over and gave him a hug.

"I'm not mad at you. I was probably more drunk than you. I'm just disappointed in myself. I wanted our time to be special."

"Well,, nothing changes my love for you. Does it hurt?" I realized he meant my lower abdomen area. I nodded and he began to lightly massage it. The pain subsided almost immediately.

"I'm going to text Christy and see if she can give me some tips."

To: Christy

after sex wut did u do for pain and where r u guys???

To: Ali

hot bath and sweets. we got a hotel. figured u wood want the house to urself all day. we wil come tmr

I got out of bed and started to run a bath. I was almost hypnotized by the rush sound of water when I realized something very important. I ran into the bedroom. "Niall, please tell me you remembered a condom!" He looked at me confused, then widened his eyes. He shook his head no. "Oh, uh, okay. Let's see how this all goes and hopefully it will be okay. Buying a pregnancy test seems to sudden and it would freak me out." I said. He nodded his head. I tried to stay calm. You can't get pregnant your first time, right?

 I eased myself into the hot water and scrubbed the makeup off my face. Niall walked into the bathroom. "Can I join you?" He asked. I nodded my head and Niall slipped in. We talked about our lives, where we should get married, how our albums are going. We completely avoided the topic of sex. Yet, this was our first bath together so I know something must have changed. 

"Niall, will you promise me something?"

"Of course, love."

"Promise me that we won't have sex again before marriage."

"I promise you we won't have sex again till our wedding night." I felt a bit more relieved, hearing him say that. Not that I didn't want to have sex with him, I just want to forget this happened. I got out of the tub and wrapped  towel around me. Niall did the same. I walked silently back to our bedroom. I could pretend this didn't happen, but that wouldn't change the fact that an invisible barrier between us had been broken.

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