Chapter 12

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btdubs the dress on the side is all the girl's dresses. i luhh you so mush


Ali's POV*

I'm so excited for tonight's show! I have a huge surprise for the boys. None of them have seen their girlfriends in a while and they have all been pretty down. I decided to fly them all out and surprise the guys during their saturday concert in New York. I'm so excited! We all got matching dresses, with different shoes. Christy is wearing turquoise wedges, Perrie is wearing neon green heels, El is wearing red flats, Sophia is wearing neon pink heels, and I'm wearing bright purple heels. We are all wearing black dresses.

*Night of concert backstage*

All of the girls are backstage with me and weare watching the boys sing Right Now. We all walked right backstage, holding hands. Niall started rocking out on the guitar at the beginning of Little Black Dress. I walked out during the second line of the song and the boys noticed me but went along with it. Niall gave me a weird look. I motioned for Christy to walk out on stage. Harry was facing the opposite way so Christy fast walked over to him, while tearing up a bit, and hugged him from behind. Harry, not knowing who it was, jumped up and turned around. He threw his arms around Christy and started tearing up too.

Next, Perrie and El came out together, because Zayn and Louis were standing next to each other, with their arms around each other. Perrie and El each threw and arm around their boyfriend, grabbed their microphone and started singing. The crowd was going crazy! Zayn immediately started crying and hugging Perrie. He was so distracted, he didn't even notice Perrie do his solo for him. El just started to run away but Louis grabbed her from behind and started hugging her. 

Finally, Sophia came out, and Liam ran to her and started hugging her. They barely finished the song and the crowd was going wild. "Well, these are, uh, our girlfriends!" Niall said, putting his guitar behind him and hugging me from behind.

I took his microphone and said, "I flew them all out because I know how much you guys have been missing them!" The guys and grils all came in for a group hug. We were all a bit emotional.

*After the concert*

We all decided to just stay in the hotel and order pizza. The girls were staying for two weeks so they have time to hang out with them. We decided to watch Mean Girls. Niall and I were cuddled up in a big chair together. My head was on his chest and he had his arm wrapped around me. Christy and Harry were sitting the big chair across from us, making out rather loudly. It started to get kind of annoying. I finally had enough, so I yelled, "HOLY SHIT JUST GO IN YOUR ROOM AND HAVE SEX ALREADY!" Everyone started cracking up.

"Alrighty, then. We will." Harry said, then grabbed Christy's hand and pulled her out of the whole hotel room. I was shocked. Christy was a virgin. Oh well.

*Christy's POV*

Well there goes my virginity.

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