Chapter 3

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Emma's POV

After I left Killian and Milah I decided to go check on Chelsea and Keith. I knocked on the door and Chelsea answered.

"Hey mom. Why are you here?" She asks.

"I came to check on you and Keith. I dont know if you dad told you, but something happened to Milah. I dont really know what, but Im sure they wont be home tonight." I tell her.

"Okay. Well I guess I'll take Keith over to Uncle Liam's or maybe to Grandpa Brennan's." She says.

"Honey I dont want you to stay alone. How about you come home with me tonight?" I ask.

"Mom I'll be okay for one night." She says.

"Sissy Wheres Daddy?" Keith asks.

Chelsea looked at me and I knew she didnt know who to answer the question. So I did instead.

"He wont be home tonight. Neither will your Mommy. Where would you like me to take you to Uncle Liam's or your Grandpa Brennan's house?" I ask him.

"Miss.Emma I wanna stay with my Sissy." Keith says.

"Okay. Chels how about you both come with me tonight. I'll text your dad and tell him." I say.

"Yeah okay." She says.

Killian's POV

"Who texted?" Milah asks.

"Emma. She was letting me know that she will watch Chels and Keith tonight." I tell her.

"Killian has Whale said anything to you yet?" She asks.

"Not yet. I'll go find out now okay." I say and walked out.

I ran right into Dr.Whale as I walked out.

"Killian, okay Im sure I should tell you and you can tell her. Its just bad news, but Im sorry Milah she lost the baby and theres a very high chance that she cannot carry another child." He says.

"Okay thanks I'll tell her." I say.

I walked in and I knew I was going in there to break my wife's heart, but it has to be done. When I told her she broke down and she had very reason to be upset, but I had a way to somewhat make it better.

Chelsea's POV

Its been a couple days and I havent seen my dad or Milah. It was after school and I had to get Keith and drop him off at my Uncle's and then I had to go home to my mom.

"Chels wait up." Henry says.

"Why? I have to get Keith." I say.

"I know, but about what people are saying." He says.

"Henry enough its not true." I say.

"Are you sure?" He asks.

"Yes Im sure. Its just a stupid rumor." I say.

"Okay. I never believed it, but losts of people said it was true.

We made it to Keith's school and he ran to me when he saw me.

"Sissy!" Keith says and hugs me when he sees me.

"Yeah come on cutie its time to go." I say.

After Henry and I got Keith to my Uncle's I check my phone and I got a missed message from my dad.

Chelsea your uncle Liam will be watching Keith for another couple days so your mother doesnt have to. Anyway I want you to hear this from me first. Milah lost the baby and is really upset. It turns out that she was lucky the first time, but her body cant bare another child. I'll be home later. I love you.

Poor Milah I cant believe this happened to them. Though I have a feeling this isnt the worst thing to happen I fear more it to come.

Emma's POV

I went over to Killian's job at the docks after I heard what happened. I gave him a week to cope before I saw him.

"What brings you here Swan?" He asks.

"I just want to say heard what happened and Im sorry. I went to see you wife, but she wasnt home." I say.

"She went to see her mother. I got to tell you something. Dont tell Milah Im going to tell her, but I got a vasectomy." He says.

"You what!" I yell.

"If she cant have any other children of her own then neither do I." He says.

"Thats sweet. Stupid, but sweet. When will she be back?" I ask.

"She said maybe like 2 or 4 months." He says.

"Well I'll let you get to it." I say and walked away.

I felt bad for Killian he has to go through all that. I would say it doesnt effect me, but it does. A part of me will always care about him and doesnt want to see him hurting and in pain. Plus he is the father of my daughter and what happens in his family effects her. Which effects me too.

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