Chapter 10

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Killian's POV

"Which one of you wants to start?" Archie asks.

Emma and I looked at each other not know which should go first.

"I guess I could start, but I dont know how to start." Emma says.

"Okay. Well you can start off by tell us what made you want to come in and talk." Archie said.

"Well I kept thinking that I was okay with everything that has happened, but I wasnt and the more I said I was fine the more I realized I needed to talk to someone." Emma says.

"Okay. Thats a lovely start now its been only a couple months since Neal and your baby passed on. So how does that make you feel. Remember this is a safe place." Archie says to her.

"Well it hurts. You see I have been a parent since I was 16 and being a teen mother was tough this time I wasnt afraid that I would mess this child up. Then I lost her. Then I find out I cant have another child. Though my hope for Neal to get better was the only thing to help. Within a blink of an eye he was gone as well. I felt alone, but Chelsea was with me while Henry was with his Dad's father and when she stopped being my support my world crashed." Emma says.

"So you were finally ready for a baby, then it was taken from you. Then you your hoping to be able to be with the person you love, but both were taken from you and the only light in your life left you alone and you cracked. Now we will get to what I think after Killian talks." Archie says.

Emma's POV

"Umm okay." Killian says.

"Now start at why you came." Archie says.

"I came here because I thought I was able to fix my problem on my own, but the minute you said Chelsea was worried about me I knew I had to get help for my daughter and my son." Killian says.

"Now you lost a baby and then months after you lost Milah. Can you explain your feelings and remember no one will judge you." Archie says.

"Well when I lost the baby I had to make Milah feel better. So I sent her to your mother. Now she's gone forever and I feel horrible about that. I havent been good with feelings. I thought drinking and partying would help, but it didnt. I feel emotionless. The only thing that mad me feel better was knowing my daughter was with me as my son was with my brother or father. Then when she stopped caring so did I." Killian says.

Archie's POV

"Very nice sharing to both of you and you see the main focus if you willing to fix is your kids. Especially the child you both share. Now the two of you thought no one cared, but the truth is that Chelsea wanted you two to fix yourselves because she thought she wasnt helping. Dont worry Chelsea told me I could tell you that. Now the two of you have mixed emotions about everything..." I say.


"Session over?" Emma asks.

"Yeah next time we will talk more." I tell them.

"Thank you." Killian says.

"In the mean time why dont the two of you help each other after all you two have all this similar stuff going on helping each other might be another good idea." I tell them.

"Okay." Emma says.

"Thanks." Killian says.

They both walked out and they are going though the same thing. I think they can really help one another.

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