Chapter 22

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Emma's POV

"Step. Step." I say.

"Swan.. I know how to walk down my stairs." Killian says to me.

"Sorry." I say.

"Look not that I dont love your help, but you have been here with me for the past week and I never even hurt my legs." He says to me.

"Right Im sorry. Alots been going on lately." I say.

"Swan.. I told you Liam is fine with Reese stay at his house." He reminds me.

"But Chels goes over there all time to visit Liam and to pick up Keith. Im worried." I say.

"Swan.. She is already pregnant. Theres nothing else they can do." He says to me.

"Right. You know I was wondering since you arent hurt badly maybe you and I can.." I say.

"Daddy!" Keith yells running into the house.

"Hey lad. How was your time with Grandpa?" Killian asks him.

"It was fun, but he said it was time to see my daddy." Keith says and hugs Killian.

"You were saying Swan?" Killian asks.

"Its nothing." I say.

Though Killian knew what I was going to say because he started laughing at me.

"Look Emma I should spend some time with Keith he has been with my dad for a week." He tells me.

"Your right I should go." I say.

"Wait.. Meet me at the docks tomorrow say 7:15am." He says.

"Sure. See you then." I say.

I was finally home and I saw Henry, Violet, and Chelsea all talking.

"So you really dont know what to do yet?" Violet asks.

"Im not sure yet." Chelsea says.

"Hey Im home." I say walking in.

"Yeah just a week later." Henry says.

"Haha so whats going on here?" I ask.

"Well Vi and I were doing homework when Chelsea walked downstairs." Henry tells me.

"Chels can we talk in the kitchen please?" I ask.

"Sure." She says and follows me.

"So about this whole thing. If you want I can take you somewhere that works with adoption if you want?" I question.

"Yeah sure. It would be nice to explore the option." She says to me.

She walked out of the kitchen and all I can think about is how hard this will be for her no matter what she chooses. Im so worried for her. On another note I get to see Killian tomorrow and I wonder what he wants to talk about? He only chooses the docks when he has news.

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