Chapter 34

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Emma's POV

I rushed into Chelsea's room and she was sitting on her bed and was crying. I sat beside her and hugged her.

"Whats wrong sweetie?" I ask.

"I had a bad dream thats all." She says.

"Do you wanna talk about it?" I ask.

"Yeah I guess." She says.

"Lets get downstairs for some hot chocolate." I say.

I helped her up and we went into the kitchen. I made hot coca and place the mug in front of her.

"Are you disappointed in me?" She asks.

"No Im not. This isnt what I wanted for you, but Im not disappointed. Well I was at first, but not anymore." I say.

"What about dad is he? Is he disappointed in me?" She asks.

"You know I know your father and Im sure he isnt. Though he can be a pain at times, but I know he is okay with it. So about this dream?" I ask.

"Well it was mostly about everyone telling me how Im going to be a horrible mother." She says.

"Hey I know the feeling sweetheart I had the same dream when I was pregnant with you. Trust me its just your thoughts of motherhood that is scaring you." I say.

"Well your an amazing mother." She says.

"As will you be." I say.

The next morning Killian made breakfast for everyone. When I walked downstairs he smiled at me.

"Hey beautiful." He says and kisses my head.

"So whats the plan for today?" I ask.

"Well Im taking both Henry and Keith out sailing today." He says.

"Well then I'll stay with Chelsea." I say.

"Aye Love. She is needs her mom right now." He says.

"Yeah tell me about it." I say.

"Well lads we gotta go." He says.

"Okay Killian." Henry says.

"Okay Daddy." Keith says.

"You boys have fun." I say.

Killian gave me a quick kiss and then they had left. Chelsea then came downstairs.

"Mom, somethings not right." She says.

"What do you mean?" I ask.

"It hurts mom." She says.

"Okay lets get you in the car." I say.

I got her into the car and I tried calling Killian, but he must be in the water and away from his phone. I got her to the hospital and she was freaking out. I knew the pain she was in. I hope its nothing because a baby being born about 7 1/2 to 8 weeks early can be dangerous for the baby. I just hope my daughter and her baby are going to be just fine.

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