Chapter 6

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FlashBack Emma age 17 and Killian age 18

Killian's POV

Emma and I had a baby to take care of and Emma has already moved on from me. There were days that I missed her alot and those days were everyday. I met a woman named Milah and we started dating, but I dont really care for her the way I care for Emma. Though Emma is now with Neal and she is pregnant which means Emma doesnt love me anymore.

"Hey little brother." Liam says.

"Younger brother and what do you want?" I ask.

"I wanted to let you know if you want to go see Milah to night I'll watch Chelsea." He says.

"Thats okay. I havent seen her all week." I say.

"Thats right Emma has her all week. Except Friday nights and all Saturday and then gets her back on Sunday night. Which isnt fair." He says.

"Liam she is just a baby right now. Emma and I decided she will be more with me when she is older." I tell him.

"Killian can I tell you something?" He questions.

"What?" I ask.

"If you still love Emma tell her." He says.

"I cant do that now. She has Neal and they are excepting. I cant ruin that babies life." I say.

"How complicated do you think this is going to get for your daughter?" He asks.

"I dont really know, but I do know is that I will always love Emma Swan. I know he told her I was done, but lack of sleep and a screaming baby will do that." I say.

"Well then I guess you'll have to make the best of your life with Milah. Maybe you will love her not as much as Emma, but you will." He says.

End FlashBack.

Emma's POV

A week. Its been a week since Neal's funeral and my heart was broken. It hasnt been this bad since Killian and I broke up all those years ago. I loved Killian and I still do, but as a friend. I was now alone in this. Taking care of two teenagers all by myself. Sure Chelsea goes to her dad's every other week, but still.

"Swan? What are you doing?" Killian asks.

"Just sitting on my porch. What about you?" I ask.

"I actually was talking about the huge rum bottle half way gone next to you. Are you drinking your pain away?" He asks.

"Yea. I lost a baby and the man I love. I think drinking the pain away is the only way." I tell him.

"Swan..." He says.

"No Killian dont Swan me. You have no idea how this feels." I say.

"I dont do I?" He questions getting mad.

"Big deal you lost a baby. Well I lost one and someone I love." I say.

"Wow I came here to check on you and to be a friend and all your doing is being a bitch. Just like you were all those years ago. Jeez cant you just grow up." He says and walked away.

Chelsea's POV

I heard my parents fighting and thats been usually over the years, but that was over me. This is something different they have never really fought like that before. My family is falling apart. My mom lost a baby and Neal. My dad lost a baby and now on the news a plane had crashed and no one survived and I know Milah was flying in today and she could be gone too. Great now more pain to add to this family not to mention my parents fighting. Why does the world want to ruin my family? Did we do something wrong?

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