Chapter 31

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Emma's POV

Today Killian and I were looking at places that can hold our hole family. His house has three bedroom and so does mine. We need at least four rooms.

"This one is nice right Swan?" Killian asks.

"Yeah I guess. It has four rooms and two bathrooms that good I guess." I say.

"Sweetie if you dont like the idea of moving in we dont have to." He says.

"No I do. Its just well we are taking a big step and Im worried that we might have a falling out like we did all those years ago." I say.

"Swan I think last time we were afraid of our future, but I know Im not afraid anymore. I love you and I want our family to be together." He says.

"I love you too. I guess this house will do." I say.

"You really hate this house dont you?" He asks.

"Yeah I really do." I say.

We looked around at more places and it seemed useless and it all seemed lost.

"Lets just go we cant seem to find anything." Killian says.

"Just one more house." I say.

"Okay." He says.

We went to the last house it was exactly what we were looking for.

"You know Killian this house is perfect and it have five rooms." I say.

"Yeah I like it to. So this is the one?" He asks.

"Yeah this is the one." I say.

Chelsea's POV

"So have you made a decision yet?" Henry asks.

"On what?" I question.

"On whos baby name wins. Now remember through everything that has happened I have been there for your as your brother and should be rewarded." He says.

"Henry what are you doing?" My mom asks walking in.

"Just making sure my sister makes a good choice." He says.

"Sorry to tell you lad, but she will be choosing the name I picked out." My dad says.

"Okay boys lets leave Chelsea alone we all know she will choose the name I said. Anyway we found a house for us all to live in and we move in just three weeks." My mom says.

"Well thats great." I say.

"We all should start packing." My dad says.

"Yeah he is right. We should start packing up our stuff. Chels dont worry we can pack for you." My mom says.

"Mom thats okay I can do it myself." I tell her.

Killian's POV

Chelsea went upstairs and I walked outside and Emma followed me out.

"Dont go please." She says.

"Swan I have to go. I have to pick up my son from my father." I say.

"Please come back." She begs.

"I cant not tonight. I will see you tomorrow. I love you." I say and kiss her.

I went to my house after picking up my son and was shocked at who was standing there.

"Its been awhile Jones." She says.

What was she doing here? If  Emma finds out this will make her mad.

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