Chapter 45

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Chelsea's POV

I was at home with my baby as I waited for my parents and brothers to get home from their trip to the central park zoo. Then I got this very strange call from Henry. I missed his call, but the voicemail was weird


Hey Chelsea its Henry, I need you to come pick up Keith and I please. We are by the town sign please hurry.

After listening to it a hundred times I placed Raelyn in her carseat a went to pick up my brothers. When I got there my parents wernt anywhere around.

"Henry can you please explain to me what happened?" I ask.

"Theres be an accident." He says.

"What kind of accident?" I ask.

"The kind where your dad gets hit by a car." He says.

"And mom where is she?" I question.

"I havent heard from her since she gave me money and told me to take Keith home and to get you." He says.

"Okay get him in his carseat and lets go." I say.

After that I drove them over to my mom's parents house and got out.

"Chels is everything okay?" My grandpa asks.

"No everything is not okay. Apparently hours ago my dad gets hit by a car and my mom is heard from in that long. I have no idea whats going to happen Im freaking out." I say.

"Okay why dont you give her to me and then continue panicking." My grandma says and takes Raelyn.

"Will daddy be okay?" Keith asks.

"I dont know." I say trying not to cry.

"Hey Keith why dont you go play with some toys upstairs and Henry go with him." My grandma says.

"I want my daddy." Keith says crying.

I couldnt watch him cry so I walked out and my grandpa followed me.

"Its going to be okay." He says.

"Really it is? Because so far in one year its been pure crap after crap and it finally became normal and now this." I say.

"Look I'll go to New York. I'll find your mom and your dad and bring them home." He says.

Before I could say anything my phone rang.

Phone Call.

Chelsea: Mom? Is that you?

Killian: No love its me.

Chelsea: Dad. Oh thank god your okay. Wheres mom?

Killian: I dont know. When I woke up there was no one here I was calling to see if she is with you.

Chelsea: No. Henry is here with Keith. Mom told him to bring Keith home an he hasnt heard from her since. He said she was going to be with you.

Killian: Then where the bloody hell is she?

Chelsea: I dont know. I'll call you in a bit.

End phone call.

"Watch my baby." I say to my grandpa and walked to my car.

"Where are you going?" He asks.

"My dad is hurt and my mom is missing. Im not losing this family. I cant. Henry has a key to the house have him let you in. Theres enough baby stuff for a few weeks. It should only be a few days Im gone. Just please watch my daughter, look after Henry, and if you want my uncle Liam or my grandpa Brennan will take Keith." I say.

"Hey good luck and please call. If you know anything." He says.

"Will do." I say and drive away.

I have already had some much shit happen this year and I wont let losing my parents be one of them.

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