Chapter 12

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(Emma age 14 and Killian age 15 2years before they had Chelsea)

Emma's POV

I was walking the streets of Storybrooke alone at night. I know I shouldnt, but Im Emma Swan and my dad's the sheriff who would mess with me.

"Boo!" A man screams jumping out.

"Holy Shit!" I yell.

"Haha got you." He says.

"Im going to kill you Jones." I say.

"Wow kill Killian thats funny. Since you love me." He says.

"You wish." I say.

"So how's daddy's little princess?" He asks.

"Im not Daddy's little Princess." I say.

"Sure whatever you say." He says.

"Killian dont you have anything better to do then to scare me?" I ask.

"Nope. Emma I wanted to ask you out  tomorrow night." He says.

"Killian Im flattered, but I cant." I say.

"Right Mommy and Daddy Sheriff wont let you have fun until your 18." He says.

"They just dont want me to get hurt." I say.

"Well then dont tell them about it. Or this." He says.

"Or is? Or what? Killian.." I say.

But his lips cut me off with a kiss.

"Until tomorrow." He says and kisses my hand.

End FlashBack.

"Mom, can I ask you something?" Chelsea asks walking into the sheriff station.

"Yeah sure whats up?" I ask.

"Look I want to spend time with all of you so can we please just all go to both places together?" She asks.

"Oh honey I dont know about that." I say.

"Mom please... Im not asking you and dad to get back together or anything. I just think after all thats happened to us we should all have some time together to move on." She says.

"Well hun you would have to ask your father and I dont think its something he would want to do." I say.

"Actually he said fine with me ask your mother though she is the tough bitch to worry about." She says.

"You know what that sounds wonderful. You know what since the beach is this weekend I'll just have to drown your father." I say jokingly.

"Mom, Keith just lost his mother and I know you were joking, but its not funny." She says.

"Im sorry, but I like your idea. What made you think of it?" I ask.

"Life Changing events." She says.

Once she walked out I didnt quite understand what she meant by that, but I know her and something isnt right here. Although a vacation with Killian should be nice... Cause he is my friend and we share a child. I dont wonder what he looks like now with no shirt. Emma you just lost Neal he just lost Milah. Although if we get drunk an sleep together it wouldnt be the end of the world. 

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