Chapter 41

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Emma's POV

Okay I am going to confront Regina about the attack she made at my family. This was not okay and I cant plan a wedding and my families future if someone wants to take it all away.

"Emma, Love are you alright?" Killian asks me.

"Yeah Im fine. So today I need to do something so your going to have to talk to Chelsea's school about her school work." I tell him.

"As you wish." He says kissing my cheek.

"Mom, I cant decide. Should Violet and I go to the movies or Mini Golf?" Henry asks me.

"Umm... I dont know whatever is cheaper." I tell him.

"Take her Mini Golfing. Trust me the only way she will fall for you more is if you'll help her with the golf swing." Killian says.

"Really are you sure?" He asks.

"It worked on your mother." Killian tells him.

"Fair point. Thanks Killian." Henry says and goes upstairs.

"Really it worked on your mother?" I question.

"Well it did." He says.

"Yes it did and then if Im not mistaken that was how you won me back after a huge fight and separation for about a month." I say.

"Indeed it was." He says and kisses my cheek.

"Then night months later we had Chelsea." I say.

"Dont blame Mini Golf for that blame your empty house you brought us to." He says with a smirk.

"Touché." I say.

"Daddy, was does Sissy's baby always cry?" Keith asks walking into the kitchen.

"Because she is just a baby. Thats what babies do." Killian tells him.

"Oh so why does Sissy cry too?" He asks.

Killian didnt know what to say he just looked the confusion on his son's face.

"Because she is just tired. She is up with that baby all the time and doesnt really sleep thats why." I tell him.

"Okay thanks." He says and walked away.

"Love?" Killian asks.

"Dont worry about it. I'll talk to her after work. Speaking of which I gotta go. I love you." I say and kiss him.

"I love you more Swan." He says.

After a long day at work I didnt go home right away I need to talk to Regina.

"Emma Swan, What brings you here?" Regina asks me when I stopped by her car.

"I dont know why you want to ruin my family, but stop its not funny. I did nothing to you." I say.

"Thats not true." She says.

"Okay so what Killian chose me over you. He and I had a child. Why does that make you want to ruin what we have. Its not fair to our daughter and my son Henry and his son Keith. This family has been through alot in the past year. Killian loses a baby, I lose a baby and Neal, Killian loses Milah, we pushed away our daughter, our daughter got pregnant and was afraid to tell us, Killian and I both cant have anymore kids. But we made the best of everything we fell back in love. Henry finally let another man in after his dad past, Keith is seeing me as his new mom, my parents are back in my life, Killian and I moved in together, we are planning on getting married, and lastly my daughter had the most beautiful baby girl who first was to little to come home and is now this families whole world. We are happy. Killian is happy. Why take all that away?" I ask.

"Because its not fair Emma. You had everything. Your family wanted you, Killian wanted you. My mother was cruel to me, my sister had always hated me, your life may have went bad for awhile, but it later went good. My life still sucks." She says crying.

"What about the guy your with and his kids?" I ask.

"He may love me Emma, but Im a home wrecker. I ripped a part a family because I fell for him. After he left his wife she got sick and then passed away. His children hate me. I thought by coming here it would be easy and then I saw you and Killian happy and it made me realize that I was still crap. Do you get it now? I will never truly be happy." She says.

"Regina you need to just relax and try to work things out with the children and finally be happy. Instead of trying to break Killian and I apart focus on the family you have gained. Oh and your sister works at the adoption agency so say hi. Get the life you want by focusing on what you have and not about what others have. I promise it will get easier. Now if you'll excuse me my daughter cries when her baby does. I gotta fix that." I tell her.

"Thank you Emma." She says.

"Your welcome. Oh and when you feel like everything is better in your life you should bring your family over sometime." I suggest.

"Okay. I'll think about it." She says.

I walked away and went home. As I walked up the porch I saw Killian on the couch with Keith on his lap and he was tickling him. Henry was also there with Violet and they were just talking. Then I heard a baby cry upstairs and I knew there maybe alot of people in the house that our happy, but one isnt and its not the baby. Its my daughter.

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