Chapter 30

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Emma's POV

Killian was acting very weird around me lately and I think it has to do with me talking to my parents again that or I have I been reading the baby name book.

"Killian whats the matter with you?" I ask him.

"Nothing." He lies.

"Killian please talk to me." I beg.

"Fine I have been thinking about us and how great things are with us." He admits.

"Then why lie to me and act weird?" I ask.

"Because I was kinda thinking that maybe we could all maybe live together. I know its fast, but.." He says.

"You know what Killian that actually sounds nice. I like the idea." I say to him.

"So can I ask why your the one reading the baby book and not Chelsea?" He asks.

"Oh Im just looking for maybe some names to suggest to her." I say.

"Well then give it to me. I wanna find some." He says and takes the book from me.

He went through the book and then Chelsea walked in.

"Hey guy." She says.

"Hey we have been looking through the book and we were wondering if you wanted to go through it with us and find a name for your daughter." I say.

"Well Im not really in the mood. Everyone has been tell me their suggestion and its starting to really makes me confused. Like the names arent bad and its hard to choose." She says.

"Well who has been doing it and what are the names they are saying?" Killian asks her.

"Well your father and brother said I should name her Clarissa Brandi." She tells him.

"Thats nice. Who else?" I ask.

"Your parents like that name Mayra Sarah." She says.

"Well thats is pretty. Anyone else?" Killian asks her.

"Well Reese says he like the name Lexi Claire." She says.

"Wow thats cute is that all?" I ask.

"No Henry said I should name her Paige Annabelle." She says.

"All those names are great, but as I was going though the book I though maybe Isabella Whitney." Killian suggests.

"Thats adorable Killian, but I think what I found is better. Which is Riya Katherine." I say.

"I still like mine better." Killian says.

"Okay I think about all the names." She says to us and takes the book.

"Oh and Chelsea how do you feel if all of us. You know Keith, Henry, your mother, you, your baby, and I all lived together?" Killian asks her.

"That sound wonderful." She says and goes upstairs.

"My name was better then yours." Killian says to me.

"Yeah keep telling yourself that. She will pick mine." I say.

"Even though you'll lose. I'll still love you." He says and kisses me.

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