Chapter 4

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Killian's POV

I know Emma thinks its stupid that I dont want to have other children because my wife cant. Who is Emma to judge there is something she was thinking about when she was pregnant with Chelsea.

About 16 or 17 years ago.

"Killian! Emma's here!" Liam yells.

"Okay send her up." I say.

Emma Swan was my girlfriend and I truly care about her. I wouldnt say in love with her, but I do love her.

"Hey Jones. We need to talk." She says

Great with that tone of voice I know what she will say. She was dumping me.

"What is it?" I ask.

"You might what to sit for this." She says taking my hand and sits next to me on my bed.

"Swan your kinda scaring me. Whats up?" I ask.

"Killian, Im Pregnant. Now I know this is hard to hear, but I dont think I can do this. So I just wanted you to know before I get an abortion." She says.

"Okay. Emma get that we are two young to be having a child, but aborting a child sounds wrong to me." I tell her.

"What am I suppose to do?" She asks.

"I dont know. Adoption is a possibility." I say.

"Yes get close to our child and them give it away. Yeah that sounds right." She says.

"Emma you will always have to deal with any decision you make." I say.

"Killian Im afraid. I dont want to abort it, but I cant give it away and I know I wont be a good mother." She says.

"Emma we can figure this out together. I just dont think abortion is right for us. The other option to adopt we can live with it. Then the possibility of being a parent. We can decided, but please dont abort the child." I beg her.

"Okay. What if this tears us apart?" She asks.

"No matter what Emma I will always love you." I say.

"I will always love you too Killian." She says and kisses me.

Present Day.

Chelsea's POV

I had gotten a call from Sheriff Graham saying that my mom and Neal were in a horrible car accident.

"Dad! Dad!" I yell running into his house.

"Chels whats wrong?" He asks.

"Mom... Neal... Car.." I say crying.

"Hey sweetie calm down. Now what happened?" He asks.

"Mom and Neal were in a bad car accident." I say crying.

"There there. Daddy's here. It will be okay." He says and kisses my head.

First Milah loses the baby and now this why is this family being punished. Though I dont think its over yet.

Hey guys please tell me what you think of this story so far. It would really mean alot to hear or read some feedback. Thanks.

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