Chapter 20

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Emma's POV

Killian stood me up last night. He had a date and he stood me up. Why would he do this to me. I mean I saw him yesterday durning my patrol when he visited my cop car. We talked about the night before then he said he would see me that night and I never saw him. Which is weird because Killian isnt like that. He would never just ditch me. Something isnt right.

"Mom, the eggs." Henry says.

"Right sorry. So whats your plan this wonderful Saturday?" I ask him.

"Either bother Chelsea or go hang out with Violet." He says.

"By the way has Violet talked to Chelsea yet?" I ask.

"Not that I know of. Mom I know what your getting at and leave it alone." He says.

"Im just saying." I say.

"Mom! Mom!" Chelsea says running in the house.

"Hey whats wrong?" I ask her.

"Its bad mom. Its bad." She says.

"Whats bad?" I ask.

"Dad." She says.

"What do you mean?" I ask.

"Well he never showed up last night and then this morning I dropped Keith off with Uncle Liam and went to look for him." She says.

"And?" Henry asks.

"Oh I found him. In an alley all beat up. He is in the hospital now. He told me to come get you." She says.

"Okay. Henry calm her down. I'll call with any news. Just stay here." I say.

I went to the hospital and walked right up to Dr.Whale.

"Emma, glad your here. Killian is in room 234. He has been asking for you." Whale tells me.

I walked into Killian's room he was all beat up and all dirty. Seeing him like this made me cry.

"Hey Swan.. Im sorry I missed our date." He says.

"Thats alright. It seems you have a pretty good alibi." I say.

"Nothing like getting beat up and thrown in an alley later to be found by your pregnant 16 year old daughter. Yeah thats quite the alibi." He says.

"So what happened?" I ask.

"No.. Swan. I know how you think and no I did start a fight and lose. I was attacked." He says.

"Attacked by who? And why?" I ask him.

"I was attacked by Silver Matthews and why because his son has decided not to leave Chelsea in this alone." He says.

"So he took it out on you." I say.

"Well yeah. Oh and no sheriff I would not like to press charges." He tells me.

"What this man attacked you all because his son isnt a jerk. I think you should." I say.

"No its fine. The best way to prove to him that I won this battle isnt by locking him up. Its by making him see me around town knowing that he cant truly harm me." He says.

"Okay. Your nuts, but I respect your decision. Im gonna call Chels and let her know your okay." I tell him.

"Wait Swan." He says.

"Yeah?" I question.

He pulled me down to his face and kissed me. After we pulled away I called our daughter.

Chelsea's POV

"Im sure he is okay." Henry says.

"How can you really be sure? We have lost so many recently." I say.

"Chels I know he will be okay. They way you described how it looked. He isnt dying." He says.

Phone Call.

Chelsea: Mom. Is he okay? Please tell me he's okay.

Emma: He is just fine. Just alittle problem. Now you can breath. You did good my dear.

Chelsea: Okay. Can I come see him?

Emma: Yeah. Im sure he would love that.

Chelsea: Okay I'll be there soon.

End Phone Call.

"Told ya." Henry says.

I went to the door and opened it and saw someone I wasnt excepting to see.

"Reese what are you doing here?" I ask him.

"I saw you earlier with the ambulance and how they were taking your dad." He says.

"Yeah he is fine. I was on my way to see him." I say.

"My dad was the one that did it. He attacked your dad. Im so sorry truly I am. Chels your dad could have beat me up for what I did you, but he spared me. Look I know your going to hate me for the rest of your life, but just know I would never want anyone in your family to get hurt." He says.

"I need to see my dad." I say.

"Chels." He says.

I just continued to walk the other way. As I walked the streets of Storybrooke it seemed people just knew. Then I saw Reese's dad and I just walked past him. Then I was stopped by two people I hated most in this world. Mary-Margaret and David my mother's parents who wanted her to abort me. God what do they want. 

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