Chapter 15

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Killian's POV

"Wait here, let me talk to her first." I tell Chelsea.

"But.." She says.

"Please just stay out here." I say.

"Okay I will." She says.

I headed inside and saw Emma at her desk working.

"Swan, we need to talk." I say.

"Not now Killian. I dont feel like talking to you." She says.

"Swan this isnt about me. Its about our daughter." I say.

"Chelsea? Is she okay?" She asks.

"Well I cant really say. She has to tell you herself." I say.

"Killian your freaking me out. Whats going on?" She asks.

"I'll be right back." I say and walked out.

Emma's POV

Killian was freaking me out. What the hell is going on with my 16 year old daughter.

"Mom? I need to talk to you." Chelsea says walking in.

"Yeah you really do. Your father is freaking me out. Now my dear whats going on?" I ask.

"Look I was talking to Henry and we were wondering what happened when your parents found out about me?" She asks.

Oh great that story I have told anyone. Not even Killian knows the truth about that.

Flashback Emma age 16

My parents are the most honored and respected people in our town. Though now I am with child and have to tell them. Killian told his mother, father, and brother and they arnt to happy, but said they would support any decision we make. 

"Emma, you said you had something to tell us." My mom Mary-Margaret says.

"Yeah I do just dont be upset." I say.

"We could never mad at you." My dad David says.

"Well you see Killian and I went to this party the other week and now we are having a baby." I say.

"Get rid of it." My dad says.

"What?" I question.

"You heard your father Emma. I'll call up the doctor and we will have that baby aborted in no time." My mom says.

"Umm no. I dont want to abort my baby. Killian and I have talked and we decided to keep our child." I say.

"If you keep that baby your arnt our daughter anymore." My dad says.

"Then fine Im not your daughter." I say and ran out.

I hate my stupid parents! God I hate everything. At least I have Killian and my baby.

End Flashback.

"Swan?" Killian questions.

"All you need to know is that they told me to get rid of you. Now is that all?" I ask my daughter.

"Its okay Pumpkin tell her." Killian says.

"Mom just please please dont hate me." She says freaking out.

Kinda reminds me of when...

"Chels are you pregnant?" I ask her.

She didnt say anything, but looked at the ground and I knew what that meant. That she was. My 16 year old is pregnant and Im not going to do to her what my parents did to me. I just went over to her and hugged her letting her know its all going to be just fine.

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