Chapter 26

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Emma's POV

Killian and I sat down at the table and Chelsea set out some hot coca for us. I know she has had a tough time with all this stuff going on and Killian and I didnt help much.

"You guys I first wanna say Im sorry for the way I acted a week ago. I shouldnt have been so rude and mean I know you were just trying to help me." Chelsea says.

"No we were out of line. We know its your choice and we tried to make it for you." I say.

"Yeah, we didnt mean to make you have no say in something that really only you have a say in." Killian says.

"We are all to blame, but I now know what I want to do, but I need your help." Chelsea tells us.

"Of course we will help you." I say.

"Good, because I dont think Reese will be much help." She says.

"What do you mean?" Killian asks.

"He says he will be here until he graduates because he still wants to leave and go to college in California and nothing will change that." She says.

"Chels, what will you do?" I ask.

"Well I thought about everything I wanted and how keeping the child would change my plans, but I think it would be more selfish to choose my plans for my life over raising this baby.  So I wanna keep the baby." She tells us.

"Even if it means you have to do it without Reese?" Killian asks.

"Yeah, but I need to know that you two will help me. If not Grandpa already said I can go live with him and he will help." She tells us.

"No lass you arent going anywhere. We will help you and be here for you and our grandchild." Killian says.

"Speaking of our grandchild what are you having?" I ask her.

"Yeah are we expecting a grandson or a granddaughter?" Killian asks.

"Its a baby girl." She says.

I couldnt help, but get up and hug her and then she went upstairs.

"So Swan, she is keeping our granddaughter." Killian says.

"Hey lets go and celebrate." I say.

"Like a family dinner?" He asks.

"Yeah maybe later, but also you and I can celebrate it now in my car." I say.

"Your a dirty girl Swan, but sure to your car it is." He says and pulls me out into the garage.

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