Chapter 32

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Killian's POV

The person walked closer to me and kissed me pinning me up against my car.

"Stop." I say pulling away.

"Whats the matter? Your wife passed away." She says to me.

"Im in a relationship." I say.

"So what. Im too and yet I still want you." She says kissing me again.

"Get off." I say.

"Just one time for old time sake?" She asks.

"Not a chance." I say.

"Come on Killian you know you want me. You always do." She says trying to kiss me again.

"Killian! What are you... Oh god your back." Emma says.

"Swan its not what it looks like she wont get away." I say.

"Leave Emma its obvious Killian doesnt want you." The woman says running her fingers in my hair.

"Stop touching me. I love Emma not you." I say.

"Who cares if you love Emma. That didnt stop you from hooking up with me while she was pregnant with your child." The woman says.

"Wait.. I was pregnant and you cheated on me!" Emma yells.

"Yes, but in my defense everyone told me you were gonna get an abortion and dump me. So I got into my father's rum and well yeah I cheated, but I felt so guilty the whole time. I never been so ashamed of myself. Believe me Emma I love you. I want to live with you and Henry, Keith, our daughter, and her soon to be baby. I would never hurt you." I say.

"I believe you Killian. I love you so much." Emma says.

"Oh Killian she only wants what I want from you. Oh and Emma congrats your daughter is also a town slut." The woman says.

"Thats enough. Emma and I are happy together and our daughter isnt a slut and neither is Emma. Dont talk like that to my beautiful Emma and never call my child a slut." I say pushing her off.

"But Killy." She says touching my face.

"Hands off him. You know your sister changed her ways, but your still playing the role of high school bitch. Get a life Regina." Emma says.

"I have a life and its awesome." Regina says.

"If that were true you wouldnt be going after My Killian." Emma says.

"Your Killian. He doesnt belong to you." Regina says getting in Emma's face.

"Im not afraid of you anymore. Im a town sheriff now." Emma says.

"Wow good for you. Im the only one running for Mayor this term. We shall see who really runs this town." Regina says and walks away.

After she was gone Emma slaps my chest.

"Baby Im sorry. I love you." I say getting on my knees.

"Your lucky your cute." She says.

She bent down and kissed me as I stood up I lifted her off the ground and placed her on the hood of my car.

"I love you Emma Swan." I say.

"I love you too Killian Jones." She says and kisses me again.

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