Chapter 8

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Chelsea's POV

Now was the time to worry about everything. Over the past 2 months nothing, but drama in my family. Like what happened 2 months ago for example.

2months ago.

"Chels stay with your brother Im going out." My dad tells me.

He was already slurring his words and he walked right out. He was drunk, but walking to where ever he was going because I took his keys. Hours later he arrived back with some random chick.

"Dad, tell your friend to leave. Keith is upstairs and Im here can you not." I say to him.

"Shut up. Im your parent and I dont have to listen to you." He says to me.

Present Day.

Thats whats been going on at my dad's for the last 2months. Though my mom isnt any better. She has also been acting like this.

2months ago.

"Mom, can you please just go lay down?" I ask her.

"No, I have plans tonight." She says and walks out.

Just like my dad I took the keys and hours later she comes home with some guy and when I tried to take charge she yells at me.

Present Day.

"So you see my parents are hurting and I get that. My dad just lost Milah and didnt even take time to heal he just went out. My mom told me she was fine, but her fine is just denial. I want to help them, but how? How do I help them Dr.Hopper?" I ask.

"Okay. Well your parents are both in pain and they know deep down all your doing is helping, but they cant see past the problem." He says.

"And whats the problem?" I ask.

"Well they both lost loved ones and a child. That cant be easy. Your grandpa Brennan has Keith right now and Henry's with his is father's dad while your mother works through somethings. Maybe you need to let them figure it out themselves." He says.

"But I want to help." I say.

"I know, but help them by going away." He says.

"What?" I question.

"You see when your father wakes up from his night and your in the house helping him in the morning he knows someone is there that cares. Same goes for your mother she knows your there so they both continue to act like children." He says.

"Okay so I should what? Abandon them when they need me most?" I ask.

"Yes if they see that not even you are around they will come to reason on their own. Go stay with a friend or your Uncle Liam, maybe your Grandpa Brennan, or possible your mother's parents. As long as your not with them I think it will make things better." He says.

"Yeah okay. I think I'll stay with a friend after all my uncle will tell my dad Im there same with my grandpa. As for my mom's parents well lets just say Mary-Margaret and David Nolan hate me, but thats a conversation for another time. Thank you Dr.Hopper." I say to him.

"Your very welcome Chelsea." He says to me.

I walked out and went to my mom's house and got some stuff then went to my dad's and got other stuff. I knew where I was going. When I got there I was greeted by the person I needed right now.

"Can I stay for a few day?" I ask.

"Sure Chels come on in." Reese says to me.

"Thanks I just need to get away from my family right now and this was the only place they wont look for me." I tell him.

"Stay as long as you want. My mom works very early in the morning and has a job she works at night. My dad is well always gone. So its mostly going to be just us anyway." He says.

I walked in and placed my things in his room and sat on the bed. Was I making the right decision? Dr.Hopper said I should let my parents work out their problems, but Im worried about them. After all I kinda think this is my fault. I mean I came along and ruined their lives and now because they never got to do the wild teen thing thats what their doing now. This is my fault. Im to blame. Their hurting because of me.

Ps we will get back into the Killian and Emma thing soon I just wanted this chapter to be about how their child feels because it will come up later.

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