Chapter 5

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Killian's POV

I was called by the hospital because Emma put me down as an emergency contact if Neal was unavailable. Emma and Neal are in bad shape.

"Hey Chels lets go over and get Henry I'll take you guys to school." I tell her.

"I dont wanna go to school." She says.

"Listen to me Chelsea. I'll stay at the hospital all day and I will call you or the school if anything goes bad okay." I say.

"Yeah okay." She says.

After I got both her and Henry to school and then took Keith to my brother's house. I made my way to the hospital and once Whale saw me he walked over to me.

"Killian there has been alot going on in your family lately." He says.

"Yes I know. Now can I know whats going on?" I ask.

"Right. It would seem Emma and Neal were driving home when the car slid and crashed. Neal hasnt pulled through yet and Emma will be fine except..." He says.

"She lost the baby didnt she?" I ask.

"Yes she did, but there is any other thing. You see were Emma was harmed was mostly the stomach area. After we removed the baby from her we noticed that it damaged her ovaries so we had to remove them." He tells me.

"But she is okay. Other then all that?" I ask.

"Yes. She is fine. When she wakes up I'll tell you." He says.

"Umm maybe I should tell her about the baby and the ovaries thing. I think it would be best if she hears it from me." I say.

"Agreed." He says.

I waited and waited and I was finally told Emma was awake. When I walked in she looked hurt.

"Swan. Hey." I say.

"Killian did I lose my baby?" She asks.

"Yeah you did. Im sorry Emma. Theres more your ovaries got damaged and they hard to remove them." I tell her.

"And Neal?" She asks.

"Neal is in a coma. We dont know love." I say and kiss her hand.

"Thanks for being here." She says.

"I promise I wont leave until you say so." I tell her.

"Thanks Killian." She says.

Emma's POV

Killian was here with me and I was in pain. Physical and emotional pain. I hurt all over from the crash and my heart had broken from the loss of my child to the fact I cant have anymore children. Now I have to know what will happen to Neal.

"Emma, theres news about Neal." Dr.Whale says.

"Is he okay?" I ask.

"Im so sorry, but Neal is gone." He says.

He walked out and I started to cry. Killian sat next to me and grabbed my hand.

"Im sorry Swan." He says to me.

"Please stay with me." I say.

"Of course Love." He says.

He kissed my head and he was there for me though this all. Over the next week Killian had staid around with me in the hospital. Today I was let out and had to use a wheel chair until I can move again. The worst thing of all is that it was time to do the funeral for Neal. 

"Goodbye Neal." I say and lay a flower on the casket.

"Swan Im sorry." Killian says.

"Thank you. For everything." I say.

"Its no trouble. I'll take you to the wake if you want?" He asks.

"No I just want to stay here." I say.

"Okay. If you need me call me." He says.

He walked away along with everyone else except Chelsea.

"Im sorry mom." She says.

"Hey its okay. I will be fine after sometime." I say.

"Why is all this stuff happening to us?" She asks.

"I dont know, but what I do know is that it will get better." I say to her.

"Do you want to be alone?" She asks.

"Not really." I say.

She staid with me at Neal's grave it was so hard to say goodbye after all these years with him. I loved him, but maybe one day I'll love again.

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