Chapter 25

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Chelsea's POV

I walked into the office of an adoption agency and sat down in the chair across some woman.

"Hi Im Zelena. You must be Chelsea." She says.

"Yeah I am." I say.

"So Im basically going to tell you how this process works. Your mother told me you just want to know in case you choose." She says.

"Yeah. So whats exactly happens?" I ask.

"Well you can choose between Open and Closed. If I were you and you decided closed make sure its to a family that doesnt live here in town. Though if its open make sure you can trust the people you give your child to." She says.

"Yeah I understand that. So..." I say.

"Chelsea.. Sorry we are late." My mom says walking in with my dad.

"Thats alright. I was just talking to your daughter.." Zelena starts.

"How if you chooses this it will leave an emotional scar." My dad says butting in.

"Well yes it is hard, but if Chelsea makes the choice it will suck at first, but knowing that her baby will be raised with people who will love it and care for it will make her happy." Zelena says.

"Yes carry a baby for 9months and then give it away. Thats a good idea, but if your not ready for something like that then you shouldnt." My mom says.

"Look I understand you guys were teen parents and handled the stress, but that doesnt mean your daughter will be able to do the same." Zelena says.

"So your saying she has to choose adoption?" My dad asks.

"Mom! Dad! Stop it! All she is trying to do is trying to talk to me about what adoption is about. She isnt making my choice for me. She is just helping me." I say to them.

I got up and walked out of the office and I heard my parents yelling after me.

Emma's POV

"Why did we do this?" I ask.

"I dont know." Killian says to me.

"We shouldnt have done that to her. Why did we do this to her?" I ask.

"I dont know. I know its her choice, but I feel like she is making a bad choice." He says.

Over about a week later Chelsea has been staying with Killian's dad. She only talks to him, Liam, and Henry. Killian and I have now put our relationship on hold. We know we cant be happy together if our daughter is in pain. Today Henry went with Chelsea to the ultrasound to find out what she is having. It seems like the last 5months just zoomed by for her. She didnt want me and Killian there and she hasnt talked to Reese since he missed the adoption thing.

"Hey Mom. Chelsea is over at Granny's talking with Reese." Henry says walking in.

"Okay. Thanks. So does she know whats she is having?" I ask.

"Yes she does." He says.

"Does she know what her plan is?" Killian asks.

"Yes." He says.

"Well??" I ask.

"Not my place to tell." He says and goes upstairs.

Chelsea then walked inside the house and looked at us.

"Sweetie we are so sorry." I say to her.

"Yeah your mother and I didnt mean to do what we did. Its your choice." Killian adds.

"Yes I know and I have finally made up my mind." She says.

"Well?" Killian and I ask at the same time.

A/N: Okay. So maybe you guys can help. Should it be a boy or a girl? Should she keep the baby or not? I cant really decide.

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