Chapter 42

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Emma's POV

The next morning I woke up before Killian and went into the nursery and Chelsea was passed out in the rocking chair with Raelyn on her chest.

"Swan?" Killian whispers.

"Hey shh. Chels is sleeping and Raelyn is waking up. Here I'll take the baby and you wake the beast and get her to bed." I say.

"Oh sure give me the crazy one." He say.

"Fine you take the baby and I'll take the morning monster." I say.

He scoops up Raelyn and went downstairs. I moved Chelsea and she freaked.

"Mom! Wheres my baby?" She asks freaking out.

"Hey relax your dad has her downstairs. You need to go to your room and sleep." I tell her.

"No Im fine." She says.

"Chels your over working yourself. You need to to your room and sleep. We will  watch Raelyn. You need sleep." I tell her.

"How can I sleep when I have a child? Doing this alone I have to do this alone." She says.

"Baby no, listen to me. Your not doing anything alone. We are all here for you. Why are you doing this to yourself? Working yourself so much? Then you break down. Im worried about you. We all are." I tell her.

"Mom, Im fine." She says.

"Chelsea, the truth." I say.

"Okay. Im sorry. I just dont want to fail her." She says.

"Hey you wont. Trust me. I had the same problem when you were little. I worked with you all the time. I never wanted to leave you. I was acting the way you are now." I say.

"What changed for you?" She asks.

"I realized that I had people who loved me and were helping me with you. So I decided to stop stressing about making everything perfect for you and decided that they only way to make your life perfect was to stop stressing about how to do that instead I took a breath and when the stress lifted you seemed ever more happier then ever. I guess my stressing stressed you out. So the more you stress the more the baby acts up." I say to her.

"So the more I freak out and act crazy my daughter will sense it and act up and cry all the time?" She asks.

"Yes now. You bed we shall keep baby away from you until later." I say.

"Thanks mom." She says.

"Your welcome." I say.

I went downstairs and saw Killian with the baby in his arms and it reminded me of when he would hold Chelsea. Every time he had her in his arms I fell in love with him all over again, but I waited to long and got pregnant by Neal. All thats in the past now and seeing him hold our granddaughter makes me sad that we cant have another baby together, but all we can do is help raise our granddaughter. Killian noticed I was watching him and he smiled at me. I sat next to him and he kissed my head. I looked at the coffee table and saw our wedding planning book and was happy to be marrying Killian Jones.

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