Chapter 27

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Killian's POV

Emma and I climbed out of her car and got ourselves cleaned up as well as we could. We walked inside the house and Chelsea was with Henry in the kitchen.

"There they are." Henry says.

"Is something wrong?" Emma asks.

"Well you would know if you were inside the house." Henry says.

"Okay whats going on? Does it have to do with you Chels?" Emma asks.

"No. It has to do with a ghost." Chelsea says.

"Guys we have no ghost." Emma says.

"See I told you." Chelsea says slapping Henry's arm.

"Then what was all that noise in the garage?" Henry asks.

"Ask the two that came from the garage." Chelsea says.

"Okay. So they heard us. Big deal." I say.

"No dad we didnt hear you. We heard her." Chelsea says and points at Emma.

"Lets got to Granny's for dinner." Emma says and walked to the door.

"As long as its not in your car." Henry says.

We got to Granny's and invited my father and brother and told them to bring Keith with them. After we finished the dinner we saw Emma's mom walked in.

"We need to go." Emma says.

"Emma, its time not to let them get to you anymore." I say.

"Yeah I guess so." She says.

Emma's POV

My parents being around always made me nervous. I never was able to give my child a normal childhood and I cant do that to my grandchild.

"Emma, Killian, Brennan, Liam, Henry,  Killian's little boy, and Chelsea its nice to see you." My mom says.

"What do you want?" I ask.

"Look I wanted to apologize for everything your father and I did. We talk and thought it was time to make it up to you and your children." She says.

"Not interested." I say.

"Swan.. Just hear her out." Killian says.

"No for years this woman and my father pushed me down and made me feel bad about everything and now they have to live with their mistake." I say.

"Emma..." My mom starts.

"Emma nothing! You and him ruined alot and I wont let you break this family again." I say.

I got up and walked out. After awhile Killian texted saying that Henry, was staying with him tonight. Chelsea walked in a sat down on the couch next to me.

"I talked to your mom." She says.

"You did what?" I ask.

"Look she was only talking to me about this baby thing and handed me this book of baby names." She says handing me the book.

"Chelsea you dont need to take her advice or her baby book." I say.

"Actually mom this isnt for me. It was for you she got it after the fight you guys had after you told them you were keeping me. She said they tried to reach out, but you wouldnt listen. Mom is all that true?" She asks.

"Yeah. I was stubborn and thought all that mattered was that I proved them wrong and show that I could handle it all. Then they tried to reach out and I gave them the cold shoulder and told them never to contact me or try and be apart of your life. Then I lied to everyone about what happened because I thought it made me look like a bad person." I tell her.

"Well it doesnt. Oh and mom your still stubborn. You should really talk to them." She says.

"Wait.. Whats going on? Talking to her shouldnt have been hours. Where were you?" I ask.

"Talking with her, but you should find out from them what it is." She says.

"Yeah I guess. Here take the book. Find a name for your daughter." I say handing the book to her.

"No you keep it. Pick the ones you like and let me know. Im going to bed. Love you." She says and goes upstairs.

I opened the book and there was a heart around the name Emma and one around the name Chelsea. I guess my parents didnt hate us after all.

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