Chapter 14

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Emma's POV

Once we got to LA Killian and I were spending time with Keith because Chelsea and Henry were being very secretive. The week that followed back at home they were doing the same thing and the same thing again once we all spent a weekend in New York.

"Swan, we have to talk." Killian says.

"Yeah I know." I say.

"Look those night we spent together where very fun, but we can never do that again." He says.

"I completely understand." I lie.

"Anyway whats with Chels for the last could weeks she has been acting weird." He says.

"Yeah I know." I say.

"Well whenever you find out me know." He says.

"Yep." I say.

As he walked away all I could think about was our time we had fun nights. I know I just lost Neal, but I feel like I still want Killian. Not just sexually, but also emotionally.

Chelsea's POV

I knew I had to tell my parents soon, but I dont know how. They will probably hate me. Just like my mom's parents hate her and me. I just dont know what to do.

"Tell them." Henry says.

"Henry I dont think I can." I say.

"Chels please... You need to." He says.

"I know, but what if it happens to me like it did to mom." I say.

"What even happened?" He asks.

"I wish I knew. You know I'll ask my dad." I say once I see him.

I walked over to him and he kept whispering.

"Stupid Killian you just lost Milah. Stupid." He whispers.

"Dad I have to ask you something." I say.

"Okay whats up?" He asks.

"Okay Henry and I were talking and why doesnt mom talk to her parents anymore? Why did she live with her Aunt and cousins after I was born?" I ask him.

"All I know it what she told me. They had a fight and they told her to get rid of you and your mother and I both didnt want that so she moved in with her Aunt. Though if you ask me I think theres a lot more to it. Why do you ask?" He asks.

"I already told you. Henry and I wanted to know." I say.

"Chels what arent you telling me?" He asks.

"Nothing." I say.

"I know that look. No! Oh dear god! Sweetie please tell me your not..." He says looking at me.

I didnt know what to say so I started to break down.

"Please dont hate me." I say.

"Never my dear and no matter what I will not throw you out." He says and kisses my head.

"Now I have to tell Mom dont I?" I ask him.

"Yeah Hun you do. I'll come with you." He says.

"Thanks dad." I say.

It was now time to tell my mom whats going on. I know she will probably freak, but I hope she will be understanding.

A/N: Hey guys I just wanted to remind you to go check out my new story called The Angel. I also want to know if you can guess Chelsea secret. Also its getting close to some CaptainSwan stuff. Keep on Reading.

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