Chapter 35

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Emma's POV

"Emma, hello." Victor says.

"We thinks she is in labor, but its to early." I say to him freaking out.

"Okay calm Emma. I'll take Chelsea to a room. You call Killian and the baby's father." He says.

"Just be careful with my daughter." I say with tears streaming down my face.

Whale helped her into a wheelchair and she grabbed my arm.

"Mom, I'll be okay." Chelsea says and Whale wheeled her away.

I got out my phone and called Killian who didnt answer. When I called Reese he said he was on his way. I tried Killian again and he didnt answer. My parents answered when I called them though.

"Miss.Swan, Chelsea is about 5 centimeters dilated. Theres no way to slow it down. The baby is coming." Whale says.

"Okay. Just let me try Killian one more time." I say.

I walked outside and tried Killian when Reese should up along with my parents.

"How is she?" My mom asks.

"The baby is coming. Reese go in there and tell her I will be right in. Mom go with him. Dad I need you to go find Brennan and Liam and tell them I cant get ahold of Killian." I say.

They all left me and I just sat on the ground and heard footsteps walk up to me.

"Your daughter is having her baby and your trying to find her daddy and his boy and your boy." Regina says with a creepy look.

"What have you done to them!" I yell.

"Oh nothing, but I saw how far the boat went out of cellphone range." She says and walked away.

"Im so done with her!" Reese yells walking out.

"Where are you going?" I ask.

"Chelsea still wont put my name on the child's birth certificate so Im out." He says and walked away.

I went inside and went into my daughter's labor room.

"So I saw Reese." I say.

"Please dont say Im wrong." She says.

"Your not wrong. I agree with you." I say.

"Where's dad?" She asks.

"Out of cell rang on the water, but Im here." I say.

"You know I'll be out there. Good luck." My mom says.

"Okay." I say.

"Wait, dont go." Chelsea says.

"Are you sure?" My mom asks her.

"Yeah. Please stay with us." She says.

"Yeah mom stay with us." I say.

"Alright." My mom says.

About a few hours later Chelsea had the baby and since she was born at 3lbs they had to take her to the NICU for her to develop more. I finally got ahold of Killian and he finally showed up.

"Sorry I missed it." He says to me.

"Thats okay. Chelsea did an amazing job. They will keep her here for 3days and they said the baby stays here for about a month or a month and a half." I tell him.

"How's Chelsea handling it?" He asks.

"She says she is okay, but she is lying. I understand why though. Anyway we didnt get a chance to do the nursery yet or hold a baby shower." I say.

"Swan its alright. Hey how about you stay with Chelsea tonight and I'll take the boys home and we will work on the nursery tomorrow." He says.

"Okay. I love you." I say and kiss him.

"I love you way more then you love me." He says and kisses me again.

He walked away and took Henry and Keith with him. It was just Chelsea and I in the room. As she laid in the bed she started crying. I climbed up into the bed with her and hugged her. More poor little baby I hated seeing her like this. I cant help, but think this is somehow my fault in some weird way.

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