Chapter 36

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Killian's POV

Today was the day Chelsea could come home from the hospital, but I knew she wasnt ready to leave her baby for the next 4 to 6 weeks. Chelsea was packing up her things from the hospital so I went to the NICU area to check on Emma.

"Hey Swan." I say.

"How upset do you think Chelsea will be going home without the baby?" She asks me.

"Well she is crying while packing I think that could give you a hint." I say.

"So is it done?" She asks.

"Yes it is. Henry, your father, your mother, Liam, and my dad all helped me." I say.

"Well should we show her when she goes home?" She asks.

"Will we have to ask her. We should go love." I say to her.

"Goodbye baby girl." She says to the baby.

"Has Chelsea seen her today?" I ask as we walked out.

"Yes she was in there for hours, but she couldnt stop crying so she finally went back to pack." She says.

Emma's POV

Killian went out to get the car and I went in to Chelsea hospital room to make sure she was okay.

"Mom, Im ready to go home now." She says to me.

"Chels how about we go down and see her before we go." I say.

"Yeah that fine." She says.

She picked up her bags and we went down to see the baby.

"So have you chosen her name yet?" The nurse asks when we walked in.

"Not yet, but I hopefully have it soon." Chelsea says.

"Okay well just let us know." The nurse says and walked out.

"So your dad and I have a surprise for you when we go home." I say.

"Oh god is it bad?" She asks.

"No, its a good surprise. Okay hun dad just texted its time to go home." I say.

Chelsea just broke down and started crying.

"Okay." She says.

"Hey hun its alright. We will see her soon." I say.

She pulled herself together and we went out and got into the car. Killian saw how upset she was and he knew it was effecting me so he grabbed my hand and kissed it.

"I love you." He mouths to me.

"I love you too." I mouth back.

We got home and Killian grabbed Chelsea's bags for her and we went inside.

"Hey how you feeling?" Henry asks.

"Fine." Chelsea says.

"Chels come see what the family has been working on while you were away." I say taking her hand.

"Mom, I dont.." She says but stops.

"So do you like it?" Killian asks

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"So do you like it?" Killian asks.

"Yeah. Thank you so much." Chelsea say and hugs him.

"Your welcome sweetie." Killian says and kissed the top of her head.

"Im tired. I wanna go to bed." Chelsea says and goes to her room.

That night I laid in bed with Killian and his arms were wrapped around me. All I could think about was how our granddaughter was in the hospital away from her family.

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