Chapter 33

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Emma's POV

Its been a few weeks and we were starting to move into our new home. Chels is now around 7 months pregnant. Seeing my child go through what I went through breaks my heart every time I see her.

"Swan, you alright?" Killian asks.

"Yeah Im fine." I lie.

"Okay. Now that you have lied to me. Whats really bothering you? Is it Regina again?" He asks.

"No its Chelsea. Seeing her like this makes me upset. Like I failed as a mother." I say.

"Emma you didnt fail. If anything it was my fault. I left her untended." He says.

"We both did. So its both of our faults." I say.

"All we can do now is be there for her. Thats all she needs." He says.

"I love you." I say and kiss him.

"Umm.. Mom, Killian. I cant move the couch by myself." Henry says.

"Right sorry lad." Killian says.

Killian and Henry moved the couch into the house and they continued to moved things into the house. Chelsea was sitting on the porch and she looked upset.

"Chels, you okay?" I ask walking over to her.

"Yeah Im fine." She lies.

"Chelsea you cant lie to me. Im your mother." I say.

"Am I making a mistake?" She asks.

"Hun dont ever think like that. You made a choice to keep her. Im not gonna lie it will be hard, but you have a ton of people who love you and will help you. Your father and I wont let you do this alone." I tell her.

"Thanks mom." She says.

"So who's name won?" I ask.

"Mom now is not the time to talk about that." She says.

"Why is that?" I ask.

"Because Henry and Dad cant seem to carry that glass cabinet into the house." She says.

"This is why I told you to get Liam, get your dad, get my dad, and have others help." I say to them.

"We dont need help." Killian says.

"Yeah mom we can do this." Henry says.

"If you break that I kill you." I say.

"They are so stubborn." Chelsea says.

"Henry got it for his father. Just as you got it from yours." I say.

"Yeah blame the men." She says.

"Oh be quiet." I say.

Killian and Henry were finally done with moving everything in. Today was the first night in our new home and things should start looking up from here. Then again Regina is back and that makes me nervous. I couldnt really sleep I just laid on Killian's chest when I heard Chelsea scream. Oh dear god its not time for the baby to come yet.

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