Chapter 39

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Emma's POV

Its been another couple of days and my aunt passed away. Today was her funeral and I was asked to talk about her.

"Swan my dear we must go." Killian say to me.

"I think Im gonna puke." I say.

"Hey its going to be okay. Your just going to talk about your aunt and thats all. No need to be afraid." He says.

"Your sweet, but I cant do this." I say.

"Em, its time." My dad says.

"Yeah I cant. I'll go to the funeral, but I cant give the eulogy." I say.

"Emma its what she wanted." My mom says.

"Guys lets give her some room." Killian says.

"Okay We will leave in 10." My dad says.

"Swan.." Killian starts.

"Just go." I say.

He walked out with my parents and I felt so sick. I walked around the room and hear the baby crying. I walked out and saw Chelsea holding her and I could tell she had no idea how she is going to do this.

"Raelyn please stop crying." Chelsea says all frustrated.

"Here let me help you." I say.

"She hates me." She says handing over the baby.

"No my dear it just takes time. God this reminds me of when you were this little. I was just the way you are now, but my aunt showed me how to really care for you. If it wasnt for her I would have been lost." I tell her.

"Well I am lost. Im lost and alone." She says.

"No dear your just new at this. As for alone so what if Reese isnt here. You have all of us and we wont let you fall. We will help you." I say.

"How do you know?" She asks.

"Simple my aunt told me the same thing when I was upset that my parents wernt around to help. She reminded me that I had lots of people who loved me and would help me. She reminded me that I had your father and that even if he left me alone in it I still had others. Thats what got me through." I say.

"Well maybe you should say all that today." Killian says from behind us.

"What?" I question.

"You heard me Swan. Your aunt taught you all you know to be a wonderful mother and now its come to you doing the same for our daughter. Thats the most honorable way to honor your aunt." He says.

"Your right. Thanks." I say and kiss him.

"Guys no. Please stop." Chelsea says.

"Guys lets go." My dad says.

We got out of the room and went to the funeral. I gave my speech and the whole time I felt like my aunt would be proud of who I have become.

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