Chapter 11

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Emma's POV

Over the last week Killian and I have seen Archie alot and we have been talking to one another about everything. I havent been at home as much because of work, therapy, and just talking to Killian at the docks. I need to spend time with Henry and Chelsea.

"Swan, I know that its you week with Chelsea, but do you think its possible that I have her this weekend?" He asks.

"Why? You'll have her all next week." I say.

"Yeah, but next weekend Im taking Keith camping." He says.

"Killian..." I say.

"Please Swan?" He asks.

"But I kinda need her this weekend." I say.

"What do you have planned with her this weekend?" He asks.

"Im taking both her and Henry to New York. Neal and I promised them. Now I can finally do it. Wait why do you need her?" I ask.

"Oh well Liam and my dad said that we could have the beach house in Los Angeles this weekend. Cant you take her to New York next week?" He asks.

"Cant you not go camping next week and go to the beach house that weekend instead?" I ask.

"Okay so we cant agree then we will have to let Chels decided." He says.

"Then she will decide." I say.

Chelsea's POV

"Chels.. Are you sure?" Henry asks.

"Yeah Im sure. Mom and my dad are going to kill me." I say.

"No you dont know that. You have to tell them." He says.

"Henry Im afraid." I say.

"I thought you wernt afraid of anything." He says.

"Well Im afraid I let them down." I say.

"Well lucky for you they both are busy with their own stuff that they wont have time to worry about this." He says.

"Chels... Come with me and Keith to Los Angeles this weekend at the beach house." My dad says walking up.

"Actually Chels you should come with Henry and I to New York this weekend." My mom says.

"Umm.." I say.

"Chelsea whats the matter?" My mom asks.

"Nothing." I say.

"Chels we know you whats the matter?" My dad asks.

"Chelsea and I are going to the library to study. She'll have an answer for you later." Henry says.

Henry and I got into the library and sat down.

"Thanks." I say to him.

"What are brothers for." He says.

A/N: Who do you think Chelsea will chose for the Family time? Do you think they will all just go to both places together as one giant family? What do you think Chelsea is hiding?

Please tell me what you all think. I would love to know your opinions. Thanks.

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