Chapter 19

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Emma's POV

Killian's lips were on my lips and it felt like old times. I kissed him back and wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him inside.

"Killian wait. Not that Im complaining, but what made this happen?" I ask as his lips where on my neck.

"Well you see our daughter told me that I should just tell you how I feel. Now Swan shh. No talking the kids will be by soon." He says.

"God your so hot when your bossy." I say.

I reattached my lips to his and we went into my bedroom.

Chelsea's POV

I was walking around the town just thinking about what I was going to do about this whole baby thing.

"Sissy!" Keith yells and hugs me.

"Hey cutie." I say.

"Hey Kiddo. Your dad told me whats going on. This is all your choice you know that right?" Liam asks.

"Yeah I know. Hey why do you have him?" I ask.

"Oh because your dad said he had somewhere to be. Now Im just going to take him to the house and wait for your dad." He says.

"Actually you go. I'll take him." I say.

"Well thanks you." He says.

I picked Keith up and took him to my dads and Henry saw me and tagged along.

"So what are you going to do about this baby thing?" He asks once we got to the house.

"I really dont know yet. I just know that Abortion isnt a choice." I tell him.

"Well Chels I know you'll make the best choice." He says.

"Thanks." I say.

What should I choose? Do I want to give away the baby? Do I want to keep the baby? This is very hard to choose.

Emma's POV

Killian and I just laid in the bed after some fun. He played with my hair and I ran my hand through his chest hair.

"So Killian what does this mean?" I ask him.

"I dont really know. How about we just take this slow. I mean we both lost someone. How about we go out to dinner tomorrow?" He asks.

"Sure thing." I say.

"I better go. Keith is with Chelsea at the house. I'll see you later." He says.

He got his clothes on and walked out. Can Killian and I really make this work this time? I really do think I still truly love him no matter what. I guess I will find out if our love is really real and true.

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